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我知道有人不长进。I know people in a rut.

陷在跑步惯例中是很容易的。It's easy toget stuck in a running rut.

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他们就栽进去了,出不来了。they get in a rut and they can't get back up.

车辙是沥青路面的主要病害之一。Rut is one of main disease in asphalt pavement.

我个人认为困顿犹如生产力的扼杀器。I personally see a rut as a productivity vacuum.

我不想陷入窠臼所以才辞职。I quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut.

你是否时常感到深陷琐事无力自拔?Do you sometimes feel that you are stuck in a rut?

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许多房屋的卖主仍然陷在经济衰退的困境中。Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.

我被骗进去一个圈套中,我必须尽快的出来。I'm stuck in a rut and I need to get out of it quick.

有些项目就是墨守成规、总是跳不出来。Some projects just fall into a rut and never get out.

我已经在“试着要跑步”的这个阶段停留了好几个月了。I have been in a trying-to-run rut for several months now.

我的屋前是一条我的自行车轮胎轧出的车辙。At the front of my house is a rut worn by my bicycle wheel.

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他二十年未获升级,一定感到单调枯燥。He has not been promoted for 20 years, he must be in a rut.

长角羚或叫藏羚羊已经到了冬季的发情期。Chiru, or Tibetan antelope, have arrived for the winter rut.

公司作为一个整体是滞留在腐朽心态的窠臼里的。Companies as a whole are stuck in the rut of an old mindset.

巴拉克·奥巴马似乎也被这一辩证的轨迹给抓住了。Barack Obama, too, seems to be caught in this dialectical rut.

朋友们认为我是墨守陈规还是善于创新?Do my friends think I'm stuck in a rut or open to new experiences?

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你是否发现你的生活有点墨守成规,犹如你总是干着老套事情?Do you find your life a little routine, like you're stuck in a rut?

当你感到头脑枯竭、灵光不现的时候,你知道你处于困顿之中。You know you’re in a rut when you run out of ideas and inspiration.

我不想陷入窠臼所以才告退。我但愿能向前迈进。I quit because I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.