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广播里传来了一条消息。A message came over the Tannoy.

在天朗研发部门的结论是。The Tannoy R &D department concluded that.

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天朗感到自豪的是目前它的录音室监听范围。Tannoy is proud to present its Studio Monitor range.

这些年来,最终成为公司的名称,天朗有限公司。The years and eventually became the company name, Tannoy Ltd.

回到车上,菲尔告诉我有扩音器在叫我。Back on board Phil tells me I am being called over the tannoy.

车站工作人员通过扩音器广播了火车进站的消息。Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the Tannoy.

车站工作人员通过广播告知火车到站了。Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy.

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天朗野猫的范围包括以下扬声器系统。The Tannoy Wildcat range consisted of the following speaker systems.

道和迪卡古典输出大部分是生产使用天朗扬声器。Road and most of the Decca Classical output was produced using Tannoy loudspeakers.

许多设计更改日期的线索,可老天朗同轴双非常准确。Many design change clues that can date an old Tannoy Dual Concentric very accurately.

从1985年天朗遗弃在交叉印刷电路板的设计和晶圆开关。From 1985 Tannoy abandoned printed circuit boards and wafer switches in the crossover designs.

在雪莉,房间装饰成红色,并配备一套扩音呼叫系统来进行召唤。At Sheri's, the property is adorned with red lights and a Tannoy system to call women to attend.

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天朗是享誉世界的创新,独特,非常准确探测双同心。Tannoy is famous worldwide for its innovative, unique and very accurate sounding Dual Concentric.

从1947年至1978年天朗同轴双司机用磁铁从金属镍合金制成。From 1947 to 1978 Tannoy Dual Concentric drivers used a metal magnet made from an alloy of nickel.

天朗公司提供的不仅仅是单一的产品,而是适合用户要求的完整解决方案与服务。Tannoy companies to provide more than just a single product, but user requirements for complete solutions and services.

当扩音器里传出熟悉、坚定、但很礼貌的女士声音,打破了图书馆的寂静,你几乎吓了一跳。You almost jump out of your skin①when the familiar firm-but-polite voice of the tannoy lady invades the eerie silence of the library.

如果有问题,他就会让机场通过公共广播系统播一个通知,叫Schmitt先生到接待处去。If there's any problem, he'll ask for an announcement to be made over the Tannoy System, asking Mr. Schmitt to come to the reception desk.