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我只是在想我们,你知道,亲如兄弟。I just thought we'd, you know, fraternize.

亲敌的士兵将受到惩罚。Soldiers who fraternize with the enemy will be punished.

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战士们被禁止与当地居民往来。Soldiers were forbidden to fraternize with the local citizen.

员工们被警告不得与其他报纸的记者友好往来。Staff were warned not to fraternize with reporters from other newspapers.

这所大学的老师往往不和学生称兄道弟。The teachers at the university tend not to fraternize with their students.

士兵不得和所占领城市的妇女亲近。The soldiers are not allowed to fraternize withthe women of the conquered town.

他把高度的精明和温和敦厚的外表结合了起来。He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

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他们开始同满洲人民来往,接着又同八路军来往。They began to fraternize with the Manchurian people and then with the 8th Route Army.

如果不能抓紧时机与来自全球各地的师生友善交往相互切磋,那你将会是不折不扣的大输家。You will really lose if you don't take this opportunity to fraternize with students and mentors from all over the world.

如果不能抓紧时机与来自全球各地的师生友善交往相互切磋,那你将会是不折不扣的大输家。It is not whether you win or lose, but how much you learn that counts. You will really lose if you don't take this opportunity to fraternize with students and mentors from all over the world.

过去,克鲁克先生回忆“外国人的隔离感不仅仅体现在他们不能与中国人进行深入的交往,更体现在他们在特别的商店与餐厅里花费更多。In the old days, Crook remembers "foreigners were kept apart not just so that they would not fraternize too much with Chinese, but so that they would spend more" in special stores and restaurants.