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落斜右狗腿,落点有沙池在等着你。Downslope dogleg right, bunkers are waiting at the landing area.

我顺着市场街平缓的斜坡朝着河边跑去。I follow the gentle downslope of Market Street toward the river.

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今天早晨,这里发生了汽车滑坡事故。This morning, here occurred an accident in which a car slided downslope.

落斜右狗腿,果岭升起,两边有沙池。Downslope dogleg right, green is elevated and guarded by bunkers on both side.

该建筑位于背靠森林的下坡地带,融入所处的田园环境。The aim was for the building to blend in with its rural setting, positioned on a downslope that backs onto the forest.

中国东部地区流水侵蚀所引起的土地退化具有明显的坡面分带性。Downslope variation of land degradation has been observed in the unreclaimed low mountain and hill regions of East China.

往上变为近海湖盆沉积,由砂岩、页岩组成,具有陆相盆地滑坡的标志,称为复矿砂岩建造。There are shales and sandstones, which are marked by downslope in the continental basins and called the formation of polymict sandstone.

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我和我第三个老婆的婚姻正濒临崩溃,因为我花费了全部时间都用来在街头追捕你这种人。I got a wife, we're passing each other on the downslope of a marriage, my third, because I spend all my time chasing guys like you around the block.

从入口往下,住宅渐渐过渡到道路上,这里有一个带顶的门廊,继而是一个结实封闭的庭院,最后才是慢慢接近的湖水湿地。Downslope from the entry, as the house bridges over the path, is a covered porch, then a bunkered patio and finally the lake edge itself with its restored wetland.

上一张专辑,很多人认为周杰伦没有突破,开始走下坡路,他用这样的歌词表明了自己的心意。In the previous album, many people felt that Jay Chou did not have any breakthrough, and was starting to go downslope , he used such lyrics to indicate his heart's wishes.

景观设计师剪除了周围的树,剪掉了一些不重要的枝干,创建了一个下降的视觉通道,并使地面的植被能够接受到更多的阳光。The landscape architect pruned around specimen trees, removing the tertiary branches to create a visual corridor downslope and allow more sunlight to reach the ground cover layer.

下行风除了强烈和稳定,还具有低温的特点,这股寒流风吹过海面之后,在那些已形成海冰被吹出海域的地方,新的海冰就形成了。Besides being steady and strong, downslope winds can also be cold, and the frigid wind over the ocean surface has helped form fresh sea ice in areas where older ice was blown out to sea.

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当副热带锋区北侧平流层下部空气沿等熵面南下时,气旋波可能发展成为典型的温带气旋。This weak cyclone can develop substantially and become a typical extratropical cyclone only when air from the lower stratosphere flows downslope along isentropic surfaces into the region of interest.