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最近“搬家”二字一听就头疼。RCT "move" become a rough word.

医疗人员和治理者必须理解,循证医学并非随即对照试验。Healthcare professionals and administrators must grasp that EBM is not a RCT.

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电波钟表内部RCT接收系统的核心是时间编码接收芯片。Time-code Receiver IC is the core of RCT receiver system inside a radio-controlled clock.

RCT的数量和质量远远不能满足临床实践的需要。The number and quality of RCT in dermatology can't satisfy the demand of clinical practice.

方法针对新疆伊宁市吸毒人群开展为期两年的社区干预实验。Methods A two-year RCT among injecting drug users was carried out in Yining City of Xinjiang.

在随机对照试验中进行样本量计算你需要知道哪些内容?Question2. What do you need to know in order to find out the sample size calculation in a RCT?

RCT不接受商业广告或个别人士宣传个人研究成果的讯息。RCT does not accept advertisements, commercial promotions or postings relating to personal achievement.

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RCT部门负责人亦可根据您的需求,为您的紧急货物提供门到门的手提派送服务。Our responsible person of RCT department may also meet your every need and provide door-to-door hand carry service.

对罹患肺间质病的成年人,比较喷雾式吗啡和安慰剂的任何随机对照试验和品质良好的临床对照试验。Any RCT and adequate quality CCT in adult participants with ILD that compared nebulized morphine with a control group.

RCT不会编辑或校对讯息内容。提供讯息前请确保内容正确无误。RCT neither edits nor proofreads the content of the announcements. Please ensure the information provided is accurate before posting.

设计具有自主知识产权的时间编码接收芯片对于发展我国的RCT技术有重大意义。It is of great significance to design the time-code receiver IC with independent property rights for the development of domestic RCT technique.

RCT研究显示了针刺治疗血管性痴呆的疗效和常用治疗方法、针刺方法及常用穴位。The RCT results showed the curative effect of acupuncture on vascular dementia and the general treatment, common needling methods and acupoints.

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在医学教育领域,有人认为RCT不应当使用,因为学生无权选择自己的学习方法。In the context of medical education, it has been argued that RCT should not be considered because students are given no choice over their learning methods.

喷雾式吗啡可以减轻肺间质病患者呼吸困难的假设,无法由这个单一小型随机对照试验确认。The hypothesis that nebulized morphine may reduce dyspnoea in patients with interstitial lung disease has not been confirmed in the single small RCT identified.

因为道德或现实的原因而不能进行随机对照试验的干预,我们会将之列入分类表并以星号标明。Interventions that cannot be tested in an RCT for ethical or practical reasons are sometimes included in the categorisation table and are identified with an asterisk.

近年来研究认为SAA是一种新的载脂蛋白,发现SAA能通过抑制HDL对胆固醇逆转运过程,增加脂质在AS病灶的沉积。SAA is a kind of apoprotein, it can inhibiting HDL's RCT function , and through this way increase serum cholesterol level and increase cholesterol deposit to AS site.

在组间均衡性分析及疗效评价、结论推导等方面还存在一定的不足,影响了中医药随机对照试验的质量。There existed insufficiency in analysis of interclass balance, evaluation of therapeutic effect, conclusion deduction, etc, which decreased the quality of RCT of TCM.

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由于我国RCT技术中采用的接收芯片一直依靠进口,要完全掌握这一技术,开发具有自主知识产权的芯片具有重要意义。Now the RCT receiver mainly depends on import in our country. In order to master this technology, it is significant to develop the receiver with independent intellectual property.