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液化石油气收瓶点。LPG collect bottles.

这通电话由受话人付费。Make this a collect call.

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为什么要收集电影海报?Why collect movie posters?

你为什么要收藏邮票?Why do you collect stamps?

你同我收声!You give me collect voice.

我喜欢收集古玩。I like to collect antiques.

自校中接回小孩。Collect a child from school.

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采蜜蚁采集蜜露。Honey ants collect honeydew.

“集中你的思想,”他说。"Collect yourself," said he.

我是来收衣的。I come to collect the laundry.

他们给我们传了封收到后付款的电报。They sent us a collect message.

我什么时候能取护照?When can I collect my passport?

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收集到一大票道具。Collect a large number of items.

小便时把尿装进1.5公升的瓶子里。Collect my piss into 1.5L bottle.

它们从花中采集花蜜。They collect nectar from flowers.

我们等一会儿会来收的。We'll come and collect them later.

我把最心酸的委屈汇在那里。I collect the sad humiliation there.

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让我们收集几个传感器。Let's collect a few sensor readouts.

现在我们可以采集更多的糖树汁了!Now we can collect a lot more drips!

集邮者将邮票保存在集邮册里。They collect their stamps in albums.