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她在黑暗的房间中走来走去。She walked around in the lightless room.

满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave!

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在没打灯的卡车下,截断了头颅。Under a lightless lorry, cutting his head off.

海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。Lightless on the sea, our ship was enveloped by the pitch darkness.

海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。Lightless on the sea, our ship was enveloped 34 by the pitch darkness.

在测试过程中,妇女们被浸在放有冷水的暗箱里。During the test, the women were immersed in a lightless tank of cold water.

最黑暗无光的是无知和没觉知的。The only lightless dark is the night of darkness in ignorance and insensibility.

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我们地球也许有失散多时的兄弟姊妹,正在黯淡无光的太空中飘浮流浪。Our own Earth may have long-lost siblings that wander through the lightless void.

吸血鬼乌贼对于这种潜藏在暗无天日的深海的生物来说是个恰如其分的名字。Vampire squid is an apt name for a creature that lurks in the lightless depths of the ocean.

我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the lightless corner of the Foothill parking lot.

在缺乏光照的蓝色深穴里,像这样的虾类体表完全不需要色素。In lightless blue holes, animals like this inch-long Agostocaris cave shrimp don't need surface pigmentation.

所以我认为灵魂是没有性别没有种族没有重量的物质,所以在我的作品是非常瘦弱的形象,也非常令人怜爱。So I think the soul has not gender and ethics and lightless material. So in my works it is a soft and lovely image.

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海上没有灯,浓密的黑暗包围着我们的船。星的山成了一个渺茫的梦。Lightless on the sea, the ship was enveloped in a pitch darkness and that starry mountain disappeared a vague dream.

“Monumenta”通常在春末举行,但波尔坦斯为了利用灰暗的天气和冬天的寒冷而将展览延迟了。Monumenta usually takes place in late spring, but Boltanski delayed the opening to take advantage of lightless days and winter chill.

在海底深渊那黑暗的海沟中,鱼人守卫带着作为诱饵的光源穿梭在藏有宝物的密室中。In the lightless gulf of the great ocean abysses, the Slithereen Guard carries his lure-light with him through the secret treasure rooms.

银河倒挂,从这个角度望去,亿万颗星星的银色微光照亮黑暗的舱室。Looking out from here, the galaxy seemed hanging up-side-down, with billions of stars sending their silvery glows into the lightless cabin.

在狄宁锐利的双眼中,温度细微的差异都被转换成鲜明、生动的影像,幽暗地域也不再是黑暗无光的世界。To Dinin's superior eyes, which translated subtle variations of heat into vivid and colorful images, the Underdark was far from a lightless place.

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为了能方便地检验和标定温度值,在电路上还设计了温度显示部分,并设计了闭显的功能,以达到省电的目的。In order to check conveniently the temperature value, we also design temperature display and take the function of lightless display, to save power cost.

精通此瑜伽的大师们指出,宇宙灵识以两种基本形式化现,即无光之光和无声之音流。Those precious beings who have mastered this form of yoga profess that the universal Soul manifests Itself into two primary elements, a lightless Light and a soundless Sound.

开发了一种由水性无机粘结剂、超细锌粉及助剂组成的水性无机富锌涂料。A kind of waterborne inorganic zinc-rich coatings containing inorganic binder, superfine zinc powder and additive was developed, and an even, lightless and VOC -free film was gained.