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他能模仿鸟叫。He can imitate the cries of birds.

绝不像痴情的鸟儿。I will never imitate spoony birds.

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啊尼很会模仿猴子。Arnie can imitate monkey really well.

他甚至能惟妙惟肖地模仿他们。He even could imitate them perfectly.

雅各劝喻我们,要效法农夫。James urges us to imitate the farmer.

人们用水晶仿造钻石。People imitate diamonds with crystal.

木头常涂油漆假充石头。The wood was painted to imitate stone.

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诗人只是照原样重现现实。They imitate things as they should be.

而乔治布希很会模仿猴子。And GWB can imitate a monkey very well.

木料制品常被人们涂以油漆冒充石料制品。Wood is often painted to imitate stone.

木头常被涂上油漆假充石头。Wood is often painted to imitate stone.

我开始模仿他那捉摸不定的神色。I now began to imitate his covert looks.

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有雄心的人不满足于模仿.The ambitious are not content to imitate.

你应仿效伟大良善的人。You should imitate great and good people.

艺术或许会模仿生活,但生活模仿电视。Art may imitate life, but life imitates TV.

仿效巴黎,就会使你破产。Imitate Paris and you will ruin yourselves.

油漆刷出来像木纹。The varnish was made to imitate wood grain.

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他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate.

我们现在已经没有外国的模式可以模仿了。We have run out of outside models to imitate.

你可以模仿借鉴他们的写法。You can imitate them and learn from them. So.