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很多年来,美西蝾螈一直令人感到困惑。For years people were baffled by the axolotl.

德国诺维汉医学研究中心也已采取措施保护美西螈,把它们做为一种珍贵的物种。The Hanover research centre also acts to save the axolotl as a species.

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野生的美西蝾螈只有在墨西哥市的霍奇米尔科湖才能找到。In the wild, the axolotl is found only in Lake Xochimilco near Mexico City.

美西蝾螈属于两栖类动物,能够在陆地和水中生活。The axolotl is an amphibian – one of a group of animals that spend their lives both on land and in water.

研究人员把伤口复原的原因归之于一种特殊的酶,这种酶叫做amblox,在动物王国中,只有蝾螈才有这种独一无二的物质。The researchers are homing in on a particular enzyme called amblox which makes the axolotl unique in the animal kingdom.

一副可怕的模样是墨西哥的蝾螈保留一些它的幼虫的特征为了生活,包括它的柔软如毛的粉红色外表的腮。The ghostly looking Mexican axolotl retains some of its larval features for life, including its feathery pink external gills.

美西螈能使它的四肢甚至是受损的器官再生,但随着年龄的增长,它们会失去这种再生的能力。The axolotl salamander is able to regrow its limbs and even damaged organs. But it loses its ability to regenerate as it grows older

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尽管形成釉质的上皮组织来源不同,蝾螈的各个牙齿在发育上却表现出惊人的一致性。Despite the enamel epithelia having a different embryonic source, oral teeth in the axolotl display striking developmental uniformities and are otherwise identical.

但是,无论多能性和部分基因重组之间的辩论结果如何,她的团队将经过基因改造的美西螈开发成一种再生研究的模式生物是有意义的。But however the pluripotency–versus–partial-reprogramming debate turns out, her team’s development of a genetically modified axolotl as a model organism for regenerative research is significant.

该网页提供众多关于发育生物学研究的资源链接,包括动态发育,蝾螈种群,果蝇的遗传和分子数据,小鼠胚胎以及癌症基因组等等。It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.