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另一些舱里则是窃听设备。Others have eavesdropping equipment inside them.

这一种事实对偷听使802.11个网络易受伤害。This fact makes 802.11 networks vulnerable to eavesdropping.

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贾三和小宝,一直躲在后面偷听。Jia sanwa small treasure, always hide behind the eavesdropping.

其中的一个孩子忽然发现我在偷听,看到了我在偷笑。Suddenly, one of the kids noticed me eavesdropping and smiling.

关于阿波罗是否在背地里偷听诗人的演说。that Phoebus Apollo was actually eavesdropping on the poet's discourse.

乌睡觉的时候听到了翩帕和达谷恩的争吵,于是起床偷听。Uzziah slept heard the palmer and GuEn quarrel, so get up eavesdropping.

老子那叫偷听么?老子那是光明正大的听。Lao Tze does that call eavesdropping?Lao Tze that is to above boardly hear to.

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这就防止了数据包侦听应用程序偷听通信。This prevents packet sniffing applications from eavesdropping on the communication.

窃听是一种严重的威胁,世界各地都在提高安全意识。Eavesdropping is a serious threat, and security awareness is rising throughout the world.

同样地,因为RFID以无线电方式传送其加密的内容,窃取就很容易了。Also, because RFIDs broadcast their encrypted contents over the air, eavesdropping is easy.

难道我们只是一个整天偷听别人说话的鬼影子吗?Aren’t we all some sort of phantom, not a whole lot different from the guy I’m eavesdropping on?

晚上中华悄悄潜入到芷寒家,在客厅里安装了窃听装置。The night quietly sneaked into Zhi cold house, eavesdropping device installed in the living room.

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这种加密战术无线电将用于瑞典维和部队,以防止无线电通讯窃听。The encryption is used by Swedish peacekeeping forces to protect radio communications from eavesdropping.

夜犬知道九妹与王俊一定有所图谋,便变化了形态,在一旁暗暗偷听。Night dogs know nine sister must have some plots, and wang junwork is change form, by secretly eavesdropping.

可能您的连线被窃聴了,也有可能是伺服器管理员修改了伺服器的识别码。Someone could be eavesdropping on your connection, or the administrator may have just changed the host's key.

对国语不熟练的旁观者来说偷听他们的谈话应该是很难懂的。Eavesdropping on those conversations, however, would have been difficult for an observer not fluent in Mandarin.

该加密解决方案将用于保护瑞典公共安全网络——Rakel网免遭窃听。The crypto solution will be used to protect calls from eavesdropping in Rakel, the Swedish Public Safety Network.

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您可以在特定端口上加密网络数据,以避免网络协议分析者进行网络窃听。You can encrypt network data on specific ports to prevent network eavesdropping with a network protocol analyzer.

美国联邦调查局也开始对新闻集团展开调查,了解他们是否对“9·11”恐怖袭击事件的受害者进行窃听。FBI began to investigate the news group to see whether they are "9.11" terrorist attacks victims of eavesdropping.

赤霞在屋顶偷听,见春花反应后认定她是杀小倩的真凶。Red chardonnay eavesdropping in housetop, see the spring flowers reaction after that she is kill small qian sills.