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此外,它还有良好的空间效率。Additionally it is memory-efficient.

它具有一个屏幕放大镜功能和一个RGB值窗口。Additionally it has a screen loupe and a RGB value window.

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还有一个车房诚意出租,可作堆栈。Additionally room of a car rents, can make goods warehouse.

另外还可用鲜花、小品来点缀餐厅。Additionally usable still flower, essay adorns dining room.

另外受他人制约是不可容忍的。Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable.

另外就是兴趣、爱好、以及观念的是否一致性。Additionally it is congeniality of interest, habit and concept.

另外,你需要弄懂贷款的期限问题。Additionally you need to understand the terms of your mortgage.

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另外要利用辅助光源营造气氛。Want to use auxiliary illuminant to build atmosphere additionally.

另外在艇尾部上的二个深水炸弹支架,带有18枚深水炸弹。Additionally there are two DC racks on the ship stern, with 18 DCs.

此外,您可以在包过滤层上禁用某些端口。Additionally you can disable some ports on the package filtering level.

此外,使用者还可以向“世界遗产之友”基金会捐款。Additionally users can contribute to the Friends of World Heritage Fund.

另外他们也将协助Novell工作,以扩展到Linux平台上。Additionally they will be working with Novell to extend support to Linux.

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在现在的版本中blouse和frock都新增了“女式服装”的词义。Both are additionally defined as women's garments in the current edition.

此外,为了进行交互式语音聊天,还需要一个全双工声卡。Additionally for interactive voice chat, a full-duplex sound card is required.

另外,必须遵循“现场吊车使用安全规程”中的有关程序。Additionally procedures detailed in the Safe Use of Crane SSP must be followed.

跳蚤侵扰是困扰猫狗的10大病症之一。Flea infestation was additionally among the top 10 diagnoses for dogs and cats.

高度可调的滴水盘增加了此机型的方便性。The height-adjustable drip tray additionally increases this model's convenience.

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同时对拟序结构中展向涡结构的生成进行详细分析。Additionally there is particular analysis on the generation of vortex along span.

另外,还有2000万五岁以下儿童体重过重。Additionally there are over 20 million children under age five who are overweight.

究极恐惧死神尖啸特技可以令敌方士气-6。Absolute Fear Death Scream special ability additionally dampens enemy morale by -6.