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现今的形势格外的严峻,但是这种情况不会持久。Today's situation is singularly dire, but it won't last.

今天的情况非常可怕,但是不会持续。Today’s situation is singularly dire, but it won’t last.

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每个权限都能单独行使或者结合起来行使。Each permission can be used singularly or in combination.

他神态安详,使他显得异样地庄严可敬。He wore an air of serenity which rendered him singularly venerable.

当然,故事素材有着异乎寻常的独创性,并且非常有趣。The material, of course, was singularly original, luminously funny.

我也知道在M5上任何人都不可能为我停车。I also knew it was singularly unlikely anyone would stop for me on the M5.

讨论了一类具角层现象的奇摄动非线性边值问题。The singularly perturbed nonlinear boundary value problems are considered.

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但是随着全球经济放缓,这无疑是个不好的时机。But with the world economy slowing, it is singularly ill-timed nonetheless.

按照历史的标准来看,公元前399年对他处死的方式是异常人道的。By the standards of history, his execution in 399 B. C. was singularly humane.

在这个时候发动一场反英示威是极不合时宜的。It was a singularly inopportune moment to stage an anti-british demonstration.

她虽然是皇亲,维多利亚女王也是很奇怪而忽略了她。About Queen Victoria, she had been singularly ignorant, despite her royal cousin.

这些湿疣并非恶性,单独出现或分散成簇。These warts are non-malignant, occurring either singularly or scattered in clusters.

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它也是互联网历史上最最不可思议的伟大产物。It's also become the most singularly idiotic and wonderful thing in internet history.

讨论了一类超抛物型方程的非线性奇摄动问题。A class of nonlinear singularly perturbed problem with ultra parabolic equation are considered.

托卡伊地区,受到喀尔巴阡山脉山麓丘陵的庇护,拥有独一无二的温和的小气候。Tokaji, sheltered by the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, has a singularly balmy microclimate.

受其启发,本文我们将用DG方法来求解二维奇异摄动问题。Inspired by those results, we use the DG method to solve two-dimensional singularly perturbed problem.

研究一类非线性奇异摄动系统的线性二次型最优控制问题。The linear quadratic optimal control problem for a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems is studied.

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研究具有边界摄动的非线性椭圆型方程奇摄动问题。The nonlinear for singularly perturbed problems of elliptic equations with boundary perturbation are considered.

这是少女习惯性的反问,他觉得特别幼稚,并为此感到惭愧。It was the traditional maidenly interrogation, and he felt ashamed of himself for finding it singularly childish.

他们的职业和个人生活都会陷入一个并不能真正代表他们自己的误区。Their personal and professional lives have collapsed into a singularly defined area that represents who they are.