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这种情况下你的钓线还要保证一定的不可视性。So you have to be cognizant to use line that isn't too visible.

好在通州区政府已充分认识到这一点。Fortunately, Tung Chau District government is fully cognizant of this.

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开发人员还知道智能手机中的数据存储在什么地方。Developers can also be cognizant of where data is stored on a smartphone.

莱门是铁路专员,所以他也许知道铁路当局的计划。Lyman, because of His position as Commissioner, might be cognizant of the Railroad's plans.

在今年第二个大满贯决赛中,李娜显得更沉着了,对这一刻也有了更充分的认识。In her second Grand Slam final of the year, Li Na was more composed and cognizant of the moment.

阿拉伯领袖中,也有意识到犹太民族的权利,完全肯定犹太复国运动的正当的。Arab leaders, cognizant of the rights of the Jewish people, fully endorsed the virtues of Zionism.

我相信苹果公司的员工一定深知这些,并已做好准备,确保不会出现此类情况。I'm certain the folks at Apple are very cognizant and are prepared to make sure that doesn't occur.

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茶党充分明白这是给了他们一门火箭炮,他们心里痒痒的,就想扣动扳手。The Tea Party is fully cognizant that it has been given a bazooka, and it's just itching to pull the trigger.

只要你知道与你积极互动的用户的相对数量,这种对话可以非常富有成果。The dialog can be incredibly fruitful. Just be cognizant of the relative number of users with whom you are actively engaged.

很好地使用这些材料的秘诀是在选择对于安全性关键的技术时保持对安全性的认知。The key to using this material well is remaining cognizant of security when security-critical technology choices are being made.

如果我来自一个有着酗酒背景的家庭,那在社会环境中我就必须比别人更加提防自己的脆弱。If I come from a family of alcoholics, then in a social setting I need to be more cognizant of my vulnerabilities than other people do.

在飞速发展的条件下,我们必须始终清楚北京的长期目标和它拥有创造力的方向。Under the hatchet of fast-paced development, we must always be cognizant of Beijing’s long term goals and the direction of its creativity.

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在大多数情况下,重要的改善方法是经常的沐浴、勤剃胡须,穿干净的衣服,并尝试接触最新的潮流款式。In most cases, significant improvements can be made by bathing and shaving frequently, wearing clean clothes, and being cognizant of the latest styles.

如果在自己的项目中采用开放源码的代码,请根据您已经同意的所有许可,认识到您作为被许可方的所有义务。If you're adopting open source code into your project, be cognizant of all your obligations as a licensee, according to all the licenses you've agreed to.

因此,要构建高性能分布式系统,设计人员必须了解所传输的远程对象,并对此进行简化,以提高性能。Thus, to build high-performing distributed systems, the designer must be cognizant of the remote objects transferred and streamline this to improve performance.

他已经力主在中国与联盟之间建立密切合作,深知中国篮协对他们球星感觉。Stern has been aggressive about establishing ties between the league and China, and is cognizant of the feelings of Chinese basketball officials about their stars.

作为敏捷方法的实践者——我们当然想要认清软件项目的不同特质,从而避免用传统方法中的弊端。As practitioners of agile methods – we certainly want to be cognizant of the different nature of software projects and avoid the pitfalls of the traditional approach.

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最后我想说的话是,如果您有儿子或者女儿正在为学习奋斗,请明瞭,不要用智力或者聪明这些词去激发你的小孩。The bottom line is this, if you have a son or daughter who is struggling academically, be cognizant not to use the words, intelligent or smart to motivate your child.

预计在任何时候bis社区成员进行自我认识的权利的方式,感觉自己和他人的自由。At all times BISS community members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is cognizant of the rights, feeling and freedoms of others as well as themselves.

他们很像变形的蜥蜴,鳄鱼般的头颅长着长长的尖牙,背上有厚厚的蝙蝠般的翅膀,又像人一样地双足站立,用眼观察。The pair resembled lizards, after a fashion, with long, fanged , crocodile heads and thick batlike wings, and they resembled men in their upright stance and cognizant eyes.