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请给点建议。Please advise.

我会照你的建议行事。I'll do as you advise.

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那你有什么建议?So what do you advise?

我会按照你的意见行事。I will do as you advise.

凯西奥你的主意出得很好。Cassio. You advise me well.

我劝你要小心谨慎。I advise you to be cautious.

请告知更换模具的时间。Please advise the lead-time.

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我们应互相提意见。We should advise each other.

我将和我的朋友们商议。I shall advise with my friends.

忠告某人不可把车开得太快。Advise sb. not to drive too fast.

它的行为是监控和建议。It is there to monitor and advise.

我倒是劝你别这样做。I should advise you not to do that.

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关于受伤,我依然不能给你建议。I also can’t advise you on injuries.

我将把我未来的计划告诉她。I will advise her of my future plan.

人建议不要买那幢房女。I would advise not buying the house.

由此可见,男士的建议就是,冷静下来,耐心一点。What does the man advise Alen to do?

我不建议你考清华。I don't advise you to go to Tsinghua.

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一旦我方能发盘,就会电告你方。Once I can offer, we will advise you.

我劝你还是另找别人吧。B. I'd advise you to ask someone else!

我常常去聆听海豚的忠告。I would go to the Dolphins for advise.