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麝香葡萄酒。Muscatel ---- a muscat wine.

如果你喜欢的话可以在马斯喀特过得很奢侈。Muscat can do luxury if you want it.

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很显然,马斯喀特应该是游历阿曼开始的地方。The obvious place to start is Muscat.

在歌声中,“苏哈尔”号越过马斯喀特的陆岬。Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant.

火炬传递的下站是阿曼首都马斯喀特。The flame now heads to the Omani capital Muscat.

味道很好,有温和的马斯喀特字符。The flavor is excellent, with a mild muscat character.

马斯喀特最豪华的酒店后面提供一个直升机停机坪。The ritziest hotel in Muscat offers a helicopter landing pad out back.

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黄金马斯喀特生产大,椭圆形,琥珀浆果非常大的集群。Golden Muscat produces very large clusters of large, oval, amber berries.

无论何时,都是一款最受欢迎的白葡萄酒,尤其是淑女的挚爱。Muscat Ottonel is one of the best liked white-wine, especially by the ladies.

在马斯喀特城外的一场比赛中,年轻的骑师们驱策着他们的骆驼,从大门中奔涌而出。Exploding from the gate, young jockeys spur their mounts in a race outside Muscat.

先生,您的麝香葡萄酒,现在可以倒酒了吗?A rich, sweet wine made from muscat grapes. Your Muscatel , sir. May I serve it now?

这里就是法国最小的蜜思嘉葡萄法定产区。Muscat Saint Jean de Minervois is the smallest of France's Muscat appellation areas.

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玫瑰香葡萄特有的猕猴桃和茉莉清香与费尔诺-皮埃斯芳香梨香完美融合。Hints of kiwi and jasmine from Muscat compliments the spicy pear-drop aromas of Fernao Pires.

那么,除了逛集市和参观苏丹的游艇,在马斯喀特还有什么好玩的呢?So what else, aside from going to the souk and ogling the Sultan's yacht, do you do in Muscat?

具有淡金色的色泽,和典型的麝香葡萄香味。有淡淡的木犀草气息,令人想起春天的花。This wine has a pale-gold colour and typical Muscat bouquet and flavour that reminds of reseda.

葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香,再过一个月就可以采摘了。He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard, to be picked one month later.

她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜。It will astonish your aperitif papillae by its muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth.

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该调查还称,在中东,巴林的首都麦纳麦为最佳选择,受青睐的还有迪拜和马斯喀特。In the Middle East, Manama, the capital of Bahrain, ranked top in the region along with Dubai and Muscat.

科威尔的袋鼠“1-0世界杯预选赛输给阿曼在世界杯期间感到胸闷马斯喀特上周末在他的腿筋。Kewell felt tightness in his hamstring during the Socceroos' 1-0 World Cup qualifying loss to Oman in Muscat last weekend.

此酒散发着宜人又鲜活的蜜丝佳桃葡萄香气,再伴有花香、麝香味还有丝丝新鲜夏日浆果和橙皮的清香。A lovely bright Muscat nose, showing floral notes and musk sticks, with hints of fresh summer berry fruits and orange peel.