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现在上的一个词,排印。Now a word on typography.

它定义了版式样式。It defines styles for typography.

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我们都知道typography多么重要。We all know how important typography is.

那是第一台使用了漂亮的印刷字体的电脑。It was thefirst computer with beautiful typography.

它是第一个有美丽版面设计的电脑。It was the first computer with beautiful typography.

我喜欢处理色彩和字体。我很享受。I like working with colors and typography. I enjoy it.

字体的艺术博大精深,远远超出我们大部分人的想象。Typography is an art far deeper than most of us realize.

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模块化CSS有预先设置和基本板式。Modular CSS with pre-packaged resets and basic typography

印刷的最重要问题之一是可读性。One of the most important issues of typography is legibility.

字体排印是我的设计中最重要一个元素。Typography is one of the most prominent elements in my designs.

下图是基于斐波那契网页设计的极简派博客版式。Below is a minimalist typography blog based on Fibonacci Web design.

几何形状的无衬,全帽印刷术提供配合。The geometry of the sans serif, all-caps typography provided that tie.

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手绘字体设计非常特别,因为它既独特又新颖。Hand drawn typography is very special because it’s unique and original.

他通常使用邋遢风格的纹理背景和清楚无误的版式。His uses of grungy textured backgrounds and typography are unmistakable.

排版在极简艺术中应该和其它元素有同样的战略性意义。Typography in minimalism should be just as strategic as any other element.

可以通过logo、图像、配色、字体和措辞来表达诚意。This can be achieved through the logo, imagery, color, typography and wording.

复制和版式相得益彰,给罗奇代尔一种审美的声音。Copy and typography complement each other and give Rochdale an aesthetic voice.

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在本帖里,我们将展示一组作品,希望能点燃你字体设计的灵感。In this post we’ll showcase a number of pieces for your typography inspiration.

说实话,如果非要说我对哪一方面精通的话,我想就是字体艺术了。Honestly, if there was one subject I wish I could master, it would be typography.

请提供展示你的设计和印刷场地使用的例子。Please provide examples of sites demonstrating your design and use of typography.