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我请人给自己画张肖像。I am going to have my portraiture taken.

水下摄影是一项令人难以捉摸的工作。Underwater portraiture is a tricky endeavor.

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这是对十八水最真的写照。This is the most true portraiture of 18 water.

人物画中的另一个领域是仕女画。The painting of beautiful women was another field of portraiture.

亨利.米勒形容白先勇为「描划人物的大师」。" Henry Miller considers Pai Hsien-yung "a master of portraiture.

这是在莎士比亚肖像画历史上的一大跃进。It marks a major development in the history of Shakespearian portraiture.

书中女主人公是作者的真实写照。The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer.

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这一争论阐释了我们对肖像画的态度的本性。The dispute illuminates the primitive nature of our attitude to portraiture.

最后,文章明确了侵害肖像权的法律责任。Finally, legal responsibility for tort of portraiture right has been confirmed.

其传世作品不多,但篇篇俱是风云激荡时代作者心态的真实记录。All of his numbered works are portraiture of his inner feelings in the turbulent era.

作品涉及的著作权、肖像权、名誉权等法律责任均由作者负责。The author should take in charge of copyright, portraiture right, and reputation right.

一幅精彩的肖像画经常运用浅景深来突出主题。That's a shallow DOF. Great portraiture often uses a shallow DOF to isolate the subject.

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对我来说,拍摄肖像是最难的但也是最有意义的摄影。For me, working in portraiture is one of the most difficult but rewarding photographic exploits.

过去几十年我把摄影重点放在自然风光上,人物照得比较少。Over the last couple of years my work has been less focused on portraiture and more about landscapes.

本文认为黄慎人物画风格之所以得以形成,原因是多方面的。This article holds that the reason why the Yellow Shen portraiture style to form, the reasons are manifold.

清水意象是峻洁人格的写照,是欢乐情感的载体,是长寿的象征。The pure water image was the portraiture of lofty personality, the embodiment of happiness and the symbols of long life.

这正是鲁迅先生执着一生的“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的思想个性与精神本质的具体写照。This is right the portraiture of the individuality of this thought and the nature of his spirit in all his inflexible life.

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人群肖像和科学照相术也逐渐成为记录和研究个人与文化认同的方法。Social portraiture and scientific photography became different ways of recording and investigating both individual and cultural identity.

这一特色表现于小说的背景、重要事件和人物描写之中,加强了作品的艺术性。This special feature performed in the background, important affairs and portraiture of this novel, which strengthened the art of the works.

这就是起源于欧洲的十字绣。几年来一直是怀旧风情的温柔写照,也是时尚岁月的快乐见证。It is originated from the European cross-stitch. After years of amorous feelings is nostalgic tenderness, fashionable portraiture of happy days.