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痛痛快快大哭一场使她好过些了。A good bawl made her feel better.

她喜欢对人大声喊叫。She likes to bawl against people.

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一场号哭通常会使她好过些。A good bawl usually makes her feel better.

你知道我就看不惯那种成天嚷嚷嚷的人。You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

她双手抱住自己的头,开始放声痛哭。She puts her head in her hands and starts to bawl.

你的父亲将会大骂你的当他看到这堆狼藉。Your father will bawl you out when he sees this mess.

你的父亲看到这儿一团糟。他定要大骂你一顿。Your father will bawl you out when he sees this mess.

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当你母亲看到这混乱的局面时她会责骂你的。Your mother will bawl you out when she sees this mess.

你父亲将痛骂你一顿,所以小心点。Your father is going to bawl you out , so just be careful.

哦,你不要闹啊!我就最恨动不动就哭的人。Oh, hush! You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

“听我说,”伽弗洛什说,“以后不要再这样无原无故地哼哼唧唧。"Listen, " went on Gavroche, "you must never bawl again over anything.

这头冒失的秃头熊打了在圆石头上的冒失的秃头熊,把圆石头上的冒失的秃头熊揍得使劲吼。On the shoulder on the boulder And made the bold bald bear on the boulder bawl.

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禅宗的棒喝法经历了百余年的发展才形成“德山棒、临济喝”的禅门宗风。The Zen tradition of "Deshan Bang and Linji Bawl" formed after more than a hundred years' development.

一个发自肺腑的低沉而又尖厉的号叫在大山深处回荡,最后划过大山,消逝在远方深沉的夜色中。Deep chesty bawl echoes from rimrock to rimrock, rolls down the mountain, and fades into the far blackness of the night.

低沉而饱满的吼声从一座悬崖回荡到另一座悬崖,滚到山底,消失在黑夜里。A deep chesty bawl echoes from rimrock to rimrock, rolls down the mountain, and fades into the far blackness of the night.

眼看一掌就要直直挥上,几声呼喝传来,差个三寸就要帖上那一动不动的冰冷俊容时,停下了。Seeing a Zhang ambition keep flicking up, several voices bawl at to spread, bad 3 inches ambition up that on every occasion of when the iciness is handsome to permit stop next.

程曦怎么也不肯相信这一切,要亲自找到万家香去,程超群拦住了程曦,程曦放声痛哭说自己终于尝到了被恋人伤害的感觉,自己的心好痛。ChengXi refused to believe it, myself will find thousands of incense, superior process stopped ChengXi, ChengXi bawl said he learned what be lovers feel hurt, my heart hurts a lot.

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日本传统的“婴儿啼哭大赛”于上周日举行,参赛婴儿在相扑手的怀中比赛啼哭,以向神灵祈求健康。Japans traditional Nakizumo, or crying sumo, festival took place Sunday as babies competed to bawl the loudest in the arms of sumo wrestlers as a prayer to the gods for good health.