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没错,我是找到答案。Unerringly , I find out the answer.

他们完全明白应追求什么。They knew unerringly what to aspire to.

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她很准确地抓住了令他苦恼不已的事由。She had seized unerringly on the fact that most disturbed him.

人类,生命和宇宙,是准确的对立选择的集合。Human nature, life and the universe is unerringly a collection of opposites.

当我的目光准确地投向他的桌子时,失望吞没了我。Disappointment flooded through me as my eyes unerringly focused on his table.

但他们却是,准确无误地知觉与专业人士的信任关系。They are, however, unerringly perceptive of trusting relationships with professionals.

只要手腕轻轻一甩,他可以让任何形状不错的鹅卵石飞无误地向自己的目标。With just a flick of his wrist he could make any well-shaped pebble fly unerringly to its mark.

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她只明白,只要她如此这般地做了说了,男人们便会准确无误地用如此这般的恭维来回报她。She knew only that if she did or said thus-and-so, men would unerringly respond with the complementary thus-and-so.

莫扎特所关注的就是音乐,它和数学没什么关系,对于诸如不对称性,陌生而又难于言喻的东西,他始终保持了那份矢志不渝的热情。Mozart goes unerringly toward what is not mathematical in music, but instead is asymmetrical, strange and ambiguous.

再者,一个特徵像是黑皮肤已经不能准确地预料出现在其他人身上,或者像是头发的质地亦然。Moreover, one trait, such as dark skin, doesn't unerringly predict the presence of others, like hair texture, the association said.

如果你想知道我们为什么对中国有错误的认识我们对在中国发生的事情的预言为什么也是不正确的这上所述就是原因。If you want to know why we unerringly to get China wrong, our predictions about what’s going to happen to China are incorrect, this is the reason.

虽然很多时候都需要为这些破坏性的机器配备人手,但是粉碎者是部落中最强大的攻城武器。Though a small team of Orcs must always be available to man these destructive machines, unerringly Demolishers serve as the Horde's greatest siege weapon.

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迈克尔·菲尔普斯就是最好的例子。绝杀八金,精心准备,完美表现,但是总有点刻板枯燥。Michael Phelps made for the perfect symbol — ruthlessly proficient in winning eight gold medals, unerringly prepared, perfectly ordered, but somewhat rehearsed and dull.

引力法则必然准确无误地按照你的习惯、性格以及占主导地位的精神状态,在生活的景况、境遇、经历等方面回馈于你。The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude.