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我们甚至还够不上冒充伪装。We are not even semblance.

那些云有著大船的外貌。Those clouds have the semblance of a large ship.

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然而,从精神方面来讲,这只不过是皮相而已。And yet, as regards the spirit, this is but a semblance.

这是一只可爱的龙宝宝。他们有一些与马相似的地方。It's a cute baby dragon. It seems to bear some semblance to a horse.

这样的话就应证了那句“狗和主人长得离奇般的相似”。It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.

即使这样,我也没有逃脱外表的美丽对我的一次又一次伤害。Even if like this, I have not escaped the semblance beautifully to my injury time and time again.

海军少将斯普鲁恩斯通过短程无线电对讲机发布一道又一道命令。Rear Admiral Spruance, issuing order after order on the TBS, finally regained a semblance of control.

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更奇怪的是,如果土星是个占据市场优势的汽车品牌,这些举措看起来可能还会有点用。Oddly enough, if Saturn were a dominant automobile brand, this approach might make a semblance of sense.

因此,对于移动设备的管理和加强策略是保证其安全的重要原则。So managing and enforcing policies is critical to maintaining any semblance of security on these devices.

坚强的外表下是一颗脆弱的心,你,为什么那么冷血?Under the strong semblance is a frail heart, you, Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III, why that cold blood?

那些被各种像是帽子一样的东西半掩住的耳朵,看上去还是被冻僵和冻伤了。There were ears, half covered by every conceivable semblance of a hat, which still looked stiff and bitten.

外表看我是个烂仔可是认识我的人就知道我不坏!!!The semblance looked that I am an unprincipled person, but knew that I the person knew I do not go bad ! ! !

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我退回属于我的角落,瑟瑟发抖,我用双手抱膝,似乎这样能使我暖和一点。I retreat further into my corner, trembling and wrapping my arms around my knees for some semblance of warmth.

多年以来,航空公司一直通过在飞机餐中增加盐分的方式来改善食物的味道,并浇上酱汁防止食物变得干硬。For years airlines have added salt to give the food a semblance of flavor and ladled on sauces to combat dryness.

当我们最终得以可笑地顺利出发,没有一点冒险的样子时,我又感到悲哀失望。And when, at length, we made an absurdly smooth start, without any semblance of adventure, I felt woefully disappointed.

电视造成线性叙事的错觉,给事件安上开始、过程和结束,现实并非如此。Television creates the illusion of a linear narrative and gives events the semblance of a beginning, a middle, and an end.

但是似乎在戏弄查韦斯,阿根廷热切盼望能够在峰会上好好表现,并附和赞同一些谈话。While flirting with Mr Chávez, Argentina was keen to run a well-behaved summit and had hoped for some semblance of consensus.

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这位FBI特工坐在一张桌子旁,他身旁的两位联邦警察都换上了一副警觉的表情。The FBI agent sat at one of the tables with the two Federal marshals, who had roused themselves into a semblance of vigilance.

她说,这些“儿童天地”都有娱乐设施和教学设备,帮助孩子们过上某种从表面上看是正常的生活。She says these spaces have recreational and school learning equipment to help children get back to some semblance of normality.

他先是撕碎了他的玩具狗,又去撕扯家具、衣服、书——最后,家里的任何东西都没放过。First, he tore up his dog toys. Then shredded the furniture, clothes, schoolbooks — and, finally, any semblance of family unity.