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你慢慢地从中滴出来。And you slowly dribble out of that.

他简直是用这运球调戏利文斯顿一样。He basically was just teasing Livingston with that dribble.

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我们集中精力练习策应队员转身运球。We are concentrating our efforts on the turn around dribble.

想在运动战中得分,你须观察好对方的防守。When you are shooting off the dribble you want to read the defense.

大树已经会踢球了,现在开始学习拍球。Dashu knows how to kick the ball already, he is learning to dribble now.

应该向同伴运球还是远离同伴运球?为什么?Should you dribble toward your teammates or away from your teammates? Why?

你能用梅西盘过一整支球队吗?不用假动作,光带球。If you're good enough, and with Precision Dribbling you can dribble through teams.

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现在,狭窄的通道容许亵渎者入侵、力量亦被逐滴汲取。Now narrow passages allow defilers to enter and a dribble of power to be accessed.

眼泪运球了我们为我们的孩子们脸上的同行到我们的眼睛说,我爱你。Tears dribble down our cheek as our children peer into our eyes and say, I love you.

在罚球线,用他的快速切入,科比时无敌的,球员们说。From the free-throw line, with his dribble intact, Bryant is at his best, players say.

更多地带球切入篮下,就会在禁区获得更多的得分机会。With more dribble penetration, ball handlers are getting more opportunities at the rim.

希望望湖人全队的防守能够改善,期待下赛季解决对方运球直入篮下的全新破解方法。Expect team defense to improve and dribble penetration to look a bit different next season.

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女性的润滑物滴得到处都是,可能染污床单。The woman's lubrication is going to dribble all over the place and possibly stain the sheets.

低运球时,球应处于你身体远离防守球员的一侧。For a low dribble the ball is dribbled on the side of your body opposite the defensive player.

朔宝喜欢打曲棍球并且尝试停下和准确运球。Tingshuo enjoys paling hockey and is beginning to stop and dribble the ball with some accuracy.

好吧,那么老妈,我母亲,她三十七岁,是一个怪人,一个十足的废物,懦弱无能。Ok, so mam. My mother. She is thirty seven years old and she is a flake. A total dribble. Weak as.

小罗在帕尔梅拉斯可以轻松晃过三人但却常常得不到有效的进攻位置。Ronnie can dribble past 3 players in Primera easily but often it does not get him anywhere serious.

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在一些初始时间后,比A的值总会变为常数,the,ratio,of,B,over,A,is,always,going,to,be,a,constant。,从B出来的液滴没有快到,能改变那个比例的程度。So after some initial time, B The dribble out of B here is not going to be fast enough to change that ratio.

其他的育儿和婴儿杂志宣称他们没有处理婴儿的图片但是可能会去除“口水”。Other parenting and baby magazines claimed they did not airbrush pictures of babies but would remove "dribble".

第一个进球是一个轻巧的弹射,第二个又是挑衅般地盘过了整条惊恐的后卫线。The first a delicate, almost dainty flick, and the second another defiant dribble through a terrified backline.