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这个红色的是特别特别细的细丝切割工具。This red one is a super super thin julienne cutter.

要切丝的肉类切成薄片的肉非常。To julienne meat means to cut the meat into very thin slices.

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库克10法律程序的面食和蔬菜这朱利安。Cook 10 proceedings the pasta and this Julienne of vegetables.

本发明的目的就是提供一种马铃薯丝制作方法。The invention aims to provide a method for producing julienne potatoes.

将海蜇浸泡在清水中一天一夜,然后捞出切成细丝。Sink the Jelly Fish in water for one day and night, then cut into julienne.

不要把那些蔬菜切得太粗,食谱上指定要切丝的。Don't cut those vegetables too thick. The recipe requires us to julienne them.

如何正确切丝学习技巧在这片自由的烹饪视频剪辑胡萝卜。Learn tips on how to properly julienne slice a carrot in this free cooking video clip.

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将酱汁拿回锅中加热,熬煮浓缩,加入松露条后并调味。Return the sauce to the heat, reduce, add the truffle julienne and correct the seasoning.

如何正确切丝学习技巧在这片自由的烹饪视频剪辑柿子椒。Learn tips on how to properly julienne slice a bell pepper in this free cooking video clip.

卤牛肉切丝,青江菜整棵洗净直切长条。Julienne stewed beef. Rinse the baby bok choy in stalks, then cut lengthwise into long strips.

了解如何帮助肉切丝与此免费视频切割食物从认证行政总厨。Learn how to julienne meat with help from a certified executive chef in this free video on cutting food.

了解如何在这个自由蔬菜切丝准备视频轻松烹饪技巧和技术西葫芦。Learn how to julienne zucchini in this free vegetable preparation video with easy cooking tips and techniques.

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一种搅拌的蔬菜色拉,通常包括生蔬菜,煮鸡蛋,干酪丝和肉丝。A tossed green salad that usually includes raw vegetables , hard boiled eggs , and julienne strips of cheese and meat.

了解如何在这个自由切丝韩国料理自制视频剪辑与韩国Takkogi胡萝卜专家烹饪技巧。Learn how to julienne carrots for homemade Korean Takkogi with expert cooking tips in this free Korean cuisine video clip.

青瓜去皮切幼丝,盛以大碗,加入蟹肉、沙律酱、芥辣酱,捞匀,洒上鱼子即可供食。Julienne cucumber, put in mixing bowl, add in crab meat, mayonnaise and mustard, mix well. Sprinkle fish roe on top, ready to serve.

罗马生菜,凯撒汁,面包丁,咸肉碎,意大利干酪,银鱼柳,辣味虾和烤鸡丝。Romaine lettuce, Caesar dressing, croutons, bacon bits, grated Parmesan cheese, anchovies Chili spiced shrimps and roast chicken julienne.