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可以对我的硬盘进行重新分区吗?Can I repartition my hard disk?

高光亮度、优良的整平性和分散能力。Excellent bright, levelling, metal repartition and good covering power.

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该工具让你在不破坏硬盘上原有数据的情况下进行重新分区。It letsyou repartition your hard disk without destroying the data already on it.

该工具让你在不破坏硬盘上原有数据的情况下进行重新分区。It lets you repartition your hard disk without destroying the data already on it.

于是每次字符串的修改,都会引起内存的再分配过程。Then every time the modification of string, the rubbish inside the repartition process.

在任何时候重新在硬盘上分区,都会有破坏原有分区数据的危险性。Any time you repartition your hard drive, you run the risk of destroying the data on the original partitions.

社会保障正是以收入再分配角色逐渐走上人类社会的经济舞台的。Social security is on the economic scenic of human society gradually with income repartition part just about.

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该软件也提供了图形化特征,例如散点图和柱状图来描绘信号分配。The software also offers graphical features such as scatter plots and bar charts to depict signal repartition.

侏罗纪为钾质碱性系列,古近纪为钙碱性系列,而且前者岩浆源较浅,岩浆分异作用差。The Jurassic volcanic rocks are belong to K alkaline and came from shallow crust with weak repartition of magma.

组织HSE团队的任务分配工作,回顾工作进度并在有问题时汇报给总经理。Organize tasks repartition among HSE team, make review of progress and report problem to General Manager, if any.

公司分立的实质是公司产权结构的重新调整,资产的重新划分。Company"s discrete essence is the revitalization of company"s property right structure, repartition of the assets.

“国家”被看作是社会福利的供给者和承担对财富的再分配职能。Country " the feeder that is regarded to be social welfare and the repartition function that assume pair of money."

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分配个人电脑的磁盘驱动器时,在没有重新排版和再装所有软体的情况下,什麽软体可以使用?What software can be used to repartition the drive without reformatting and reloading all of the software on the drive?

当其用量为临床用量的5-10倍时,又是良好的营养重分配剂和生长促进剂。When the dosage is 5-10 times higher than its clinical dosage, it can also regulate growth rate and repartition nutrition.

意思是在模式或一系列“看似”碰巧紧接着发生在其它事件之后事件里的重新分配。This means that there will be a repartition in the pattern or a string of events that will "appear" to happen one after the other.

本人在系统的研究中主要对系统功能性需求进行了设计、参与了系统功能的划分研究,另外对系统中的核心业务流程进行了分析。In the study of system, the author mainly designed the functional requirements of the system, participated in the repartition of the function of the system.

究其原因,主要是花卉市场建设严重滞后、产销未分流所致。For example, market construction is thought nothing of, production is given emphasis on, all market system is not integrity, every repartition of benefits is not reasonable.

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污水通过粗格栅和细格栅后将进入均化缓冲池,然后由泵提升到混凝配水构筑物。The effluent will arrive into a homogenization and buffer tank after flowing through the coarse and fine screen, and then be pumped to the coagulation and repartition structure.

他扬言要恢复帝俄时期的疆界,并吞阿拉斯加,入侵土耳其,再次瓜分波兰,让德国人尝尝“另一个切尔诺贝利”核电站事件,让哈萨克斯坦成为“荒凉的焦土”。He has threatened to restore Russia's imperial borders, annex Alaska, invade Turkey, repartition Poland, give Germany "another Chernobyl, "turn Kazakhstan into a "scorched desert. "

该分支似乎不仅有当地部落的安全保护,还有来自也门南部一些组织的政治上的支持方。在1990年南北也门统一,同时造成了这些要求国家重新区分的团体形成。And it appears to have secured tribal protection as well as some political backing from groups in southern Yemen which demand a repartition of the country, which was formed from two chunks in 1990.