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什么是奇闻趣事新闻?。What Is Gonzo Journalism?

我们需要的是新闻业。What we need is journalism.

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既非写实,也不客观,亦非新闻报道,有的只是指指点点。Not journalism. Not objective.

您有新闻学的学位证书吗?Did you get a degree in journalism?

事实上,在新闻界也是如此。It works in journalism too, actually.

使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。Cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

标题是新闻的“眼睛”。Headlines are the "eyes" of journalism.

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但是果真是网络谋杀了新闻业吗?But is the web really killing journalism?

要读的都是新闻史上留名的大部头。It was all tomes on the history of journalism.

我觉得新闻业是双关语最后的阵地了。I think journalism is the last refuge for puns.

第一,广告支撑的新闻业死了。First, advertising-supported journalism is dead.

维基泄密网给新闻业提供一个新的模式。WikiLeaks has provided a new model of journalism.

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是的,我在哥伦比亚大学学的是新闻学。Yes. I studied journalism at Columbia University.

过程新闻并不意味着敷衍了事Process Journalism Should Not Mean Sloppy Reporting

这也许就是中国特色的新闻事业。This may be journalism with Chinese characteristics.

鼓吹性新闻有着漫长而光荣的历史。Advocacy journalism has a long and honorable history.

他离开了医学界,开始从事新闻工作。He left the medical profession and took to journalism.

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太原师范学院新闻专业大二学生a sophomore in journalism at Taiyuan Normal University

朱恩.克罗斯是一位新闻工作者同时也是个新闻教授。June Cross is a journalist and a professor of journalism.

也许我不应该选那些课,而应该学历史或新闻。Maybe I ought to major in history or journalism instead.