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他是一名列兵。He is a buck private.

巴克倒落在地。Buck fell to the ground.

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中国能否降压这种趋势?Can China buck this trend?

你无法抗拒整个轨制。You can't buck the system.

我可以用一元纸钞来换零钱吗?Can I have change for a buck?

好的API绝不推卸责任,把自己该做的事情留给别人。Good APIs don’t pass the buck.

让我们努力使失败者精神振奋。Let's try to buck the losers up.

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一只公鹿正在草地上吃草。A buck was browsing on the meadow.

勃克·穆利根用愉快的声调继续讲下去。Buck Mulligan's gay voice went on.

企图反抗这种制度是白搭的。It's no use trying to buck the system.

你的歌唱得像约尼∙伯克一样好。You're as good a singer as Johny Buck.

对不起。我可以用一元纸钞来换零钱吗?Excuse me. Can I have change for a buck ?

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我不在乎它有多大,我只是想要一只雄鹿。I don't care how big. I just want a buck.

一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck.

巴克以为这不过是一次傍晚的遛跶。It was just an evening walk, Buck thought.

那中士被降为三等兵。The sergeant was degraded to buck private.

所以世界上的乐盲儿童应该感到振奋!So buck up, tone-deaf children of the world!

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还倾听吗?风中还有老友的和歌!To the old buck 's chanting of waka in the wind?

巴克将面临利物支持者的回击。Buck will face the backlash of the Liverpool fans.

巴克抵得上两个恶鬼哩。" Dat Buck two devils, " was Francois's rejoinder.