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他的敌人恶毒地密谋搞垮他。His enemies maliciously conspired to ruin him.

他用棒球棒恶意损毁了一辆汽车。He maliciously damaged a car with a baseball bat.

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如果给我个机会,我要好好爱,狠狠爱。If for me an opportunity, I must love well, loves maliciously.

如果输入字符串具有一些恶意设计的代码,脚本也会被执行。If the input string had some maliciously designed script, the script is executed.

错误的数据或恶意构造的数据导致的错误可能带来毁灭性的后果。Errors caused by incorrect or maliciously crafted data can have devastating consequences.

太过小心或者而已的对待总是不时出现。与地板的碰撞声,一场战争势在必行。Too negligently or maliciously treated, one would, from time to time, crash to the floor.

一直以来,她和丈夫一直承受着网上恶意编造的谣言的伤害。And all the while, both she and her husband are subjected to maliciously false gossip online.

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那些认为自己遭到恶意嫉妒的人们更有可能会帮实验人员把橡皮捡起来。Those who thought they would be maliciously envied were more likely to help him pick them up.

它们看见了养蜂人,蜂拥而上,凶狠地蜇起他来。Seeing the bee-man they went into action simultaneously stinging him fiercely and maliciously.

她并无恶意,批评我拙劣用餐技巧的男孩也同样没有恶意。She didn't mean it maliciously and neither did the boy who critiqued my poor dining technique.

劳动者工资不能按时支付,遭到恶意克扣,侵害劳动者工资权益的行为屡有发生。The situations that workers not paid on time and have been maliciously withheld occur repeatedly.

第二步是确定电脑黑客或攻击者可能恶意攻击的漏洞。The second step is to identify vulnerabilities that a hacker or attacker could maliciously exploit.

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在现实生活中,你假设对方恶,对方确实会以恶来对你。In real life if you presumed the other side as malicious it would indeed treat you with maliciously.

它使令牌避免了恶意提交以在一个资源被使用一次后获得对它的访问。It prevents tokens from being maliciously submitted to gain access to a resource after the first use.

大多数的情况可能是无意那么做,但这种方式实在是欠考虑。In most cases, it’s probably not done maliciously. This kind of approach is simply not thought through.

这是一个安全性特性,它防止通过网络恶意使用该应用程序。This is a security feature that prevents applications being used maliciously over a network or the Internet.

例如,他可以访问目录文件以及恶意地为另一个虚拟机重新分配实例资源。For example, he may access directory files and maliciously reassign instance resources to another virtual machine.

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当涉及外族,他们毫不留情地发起攻击,充满恶意,杀气腾腾。When it comes to other races though they hold nothing back, attacking them mercilessly, maliciously and murderously.

因此,服务的滥用、错用机会也就越大,不管是有意的还是无意的。As a result of this, there is a greater opportunity for the service to be misused, whether accidently or maliciously.

此外,犹太人被认为是聪明并且对非犹太人和非犹太机构存在敌意倾向的。In addition, the Jews were alleged to be both clever and maliciously disposed to non-Jews and non-Jewish institutions.