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他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters.

罗夫表示他将多花些时间与家人共享天伦。Rove says he wants to spend more time with his family.

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从此,雷米开始了他以流浪小艺人身份浪迹天涯的生活。Since then, Remy got his start to stray artist rove all over the world life.

移开火源,加入黄油,搅拌直至黄油融化,用盐和胡椒调味。Rove from the het. dd butter nd stir until it melts. Seson with slt nd pepper.

胡麻粗纱煮漂工艺是胡麻纺纱的关键,直接影响成纱质量。Scouring and bleaching process of oil flax rove will directly influence the quality of spinning.

罗夫从布什总统竞选德州州长时开始辅政,至今已长达14年之久。Rove has been the President's side more than 14 years starting with Bush's run for governor of Taxes.

通过对粗纱机卷绕成形结构特点的分析,建立了由计算机进行控制的数学模型。According to analyse the rove winding structural feature, found the mathematic model of computer control.

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对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling.

孤寂的初冬,伤痛的心灵,今生,愿为了你,带着一根烟,浪迹天涯。Lonely winter, suffering soul, life, is willing to work for you, with a cigarette, rove all over the world.

哈格尔毕业于威克森林大学,曾是布什前高级政治顾问卡尔•罗弗的助手。He graduated from Wake Forest University and worked as an aide to Bush's former top political adviser Karl Rove.

在美丽的湘江之上,与你摇一叶轻舟,自由漂泊,没有终点。Be living above the pretty Xiang river , Wave a skiff against you , Liberty is rove , There is not terminal point.

白天,他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、生命和仁爱。During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below.

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白宫首席战略专家兼得力干将卡尔。罗夫将于本月底离职。Chief political strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.

然而,正当罗夫先生捍卫自己的政绩之际,华盛顿的注意力已逐渐转向他的替代者了。But even as Mr Rove defended his achievements, Washington's attention was turning to the question of who will replace him.

拉维一直为追求大刀阔斧的重组共和党、使其能以政党利益为重的梦想而劳心劳力。Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment, subordinating everything to party politics.

在日本人和哥萨克首领谢苗诺夫的部队支持下,梅尔库洛夫政权对红色的远东共和国构成了现实威胁。In Japanese and ataman nikolaevich troops, backed by mercouri rove regime poses a real threat to the far east republic of red.

采用新型锭翼和胶辊,可以防止缠绕罗拉和胶辊,改善成纱条干,提高粗纱质量。New flyer and rollers, can prevent the winding roller and rubber roller to improve yarn evenness, improving the quality of Rove.

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适当提高粗纱的回潮率,减小静电和减少须条内纤维间的排斥,以改善粗纱内在质量。To increase the moisture regain of Rove, reduces static electricity and reduce fiber in exclusion to improve Rove inner quality.

针对亚麻纤维染整加工存在的缺点,探讨亚麻粗纱的煮、漂、染连续工艺,得出最佳加工工艺并用于中试生产。Due to the disadvantages existing in linen treatment, continuous process of scouring and bleaching and dyeing for linen rove is discussed.

“我想让卡尔.罗芙马上出来援助我们,甚至练NRSC都出面援助过我们,我们本可以离目标再近一点。”奥唐娜说。"I think had Karl Rove immediately come out to support us, had the NRSC even helped us verbally, we could have closed the gap," O'Donnell said.