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以后要打造宜居城市吧。Later must make occupies the city suitably.

使误差小到适当的程度要遵循的步骤Steps to follow until error is suitably small

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这可以按需要作出适当修改。This can be suitably modified as per requirement.

唯心论,那么,适当地站在反对唯物论。Spiritualism, then, suitably stands opposed to materialism.

登录脚本应适当地为公共网站的安全。Login script should be suitably secure for a public website.

它将这种信息,以相应的彩色编码添加到影像上。It adds this information, suitably colour-coded, to the image.

合适地让而且休息生气蓬勃,间隔仅仅是大约结束。Suitably rested and refreshed, the interval is just about over.

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给编辑留个好印象意味着更多的写作机会。A suitably impressed editor means long-term writing opportunities.

急性心肌梗死禁用,只宜以胰岛素治疗。The acute cardiac arrest is forbid, only suitably by insulin treatment.

所以,饮食选择上也宜选用清凉滋润平和之品。Therefore, the diet chooses also suitably selects cool moistens gentle.

我们终于挑了个地方,又旧又挤正合适,然后等待桌位空出来。We finally pick a place, suitably old and crowded, and wait for a table.

那一整条用莱姆汁和棕榈糖煎制的澳洲小肺鱼物有所值。The whole baby barramundi fried in lime and palm sugar is suitably sumptuous.

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你可能已经注意到了,伦诺克斯恰如其分的模糊了一点,那就是“此”在这里确切的指的是什么。But you might notice that Lennox is suitably vague about what exactly "this" is.

对于含水率高的原料应适当增大筛孔。If raw material with high moisture content, it increases suitably the mesh size.

本品专业使用,远离火源,儿童不宜接触。This specialized use, the far away fire hazard, the child contacts not suitably.

莫克推测,汽车的内部设计或许不适合于胖人。Mock speculates that car interiors might not be suitably designed for heavy people.

单纯的脑力劳动之后,如果没有适宜的身体锻炼,必然会使他们的健康状况受到影响。Their health will be effected if they don't exercise suitably after hard brain work.

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息者要认识到健康比任何事情都要宜要。The rest wants to realize that must want suitably to the health compared to anything.

然后用右手握住圆锥体,左手做辅助,并用大拇指向圆锥体施力,使巧克力融液缓慢流出,填满整个模具。Cut a suitably sized hole at the point of the cone to let the liquid chocolate flow out.

模型上适当开孔可减小甚至消除此旋涡。This vortex can be reduced and even be eliminated by holes suitably placed on the model.