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大型车靠右。Oversize Vehicles keep Right.

这样就再没有必要制造特别大的冷端横截面了。Oversize cold ends are therefore no longer necessary.

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i削减黄铜棒适当的直径和特大型在长度。I cut brass rod of appropriate diameter and oversize in length.

答应。有一些特大型企业就有。如天津港就有。Allow. Have enterprise of a few oversize. If Tianjin harbor has.

要把那些东西全带上,你需要一只特大的衣箱。You'll need an oversize suitcase to take all those things with you.

供应管道通径不要太小,阀门通径不要太大,要符合实际需要。Do not undersize supply or oversize the valve in relation to demand.

大粒煤再用对辊压碎机压碎到要求的粒度。The oversize is reduced by roll crushers to the correct size of coal.

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大粒煤再用对辊压碎机压碎到要求的粒度。The oversize is reduced by roll crushers to the correct size of coal.

一个毛茸茸的特大号玩具狗摆放在了电视机前。A shaggy, oversize stuffed toy dog lay in front of the television set.

厨房前面是盥洗室,那是一间水泥墙围住的房子,通过一扇超大的木门进出。"Bathroom." He gestured into a cement-walled room through an oversize wooden door.

杂志中页的折页杂志中的中心页跨页版面,尤指特大型照片或特写折叠插页。A magazine center spread, especially a foldout of an oversize photograph or feature.

布莱叶版的图书通常昂贵又难以携带,纸张巨大且厚重。Braille books are expensive and cumbersome, requiring reams of thick, oversize paper.

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铝框架更轻,往往作出特大型或异国情调形油管。Aluminum frames are lighter and are often made of oversize or exotically shaped tubing.

半精加工的活塞是加大尺寸的,必须进行修整以便与气缸相配合。Semifinished pistons are oversize and must be finished down to size to fit the cylinders.

所有的男性参与者都身穿肥大的兜裆布在冬日的街头列队游行。All male contestants are dressed in oversize diapers and parade through the winter streets.

即使你并不超重,如果腰围过大,你早逝的危险也会迅速增加。With an oversize waist, your risk of an early death shoots up—even if you aren't overweight.

德兴铜矿大山选矿厂是我国特大型选矿厂。Dashan Mineral Processing Plant of Dexing Copper Miner is oversize mineral processing plant in China.

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焦家矿区共探获金矿资源储量230多吨,成为世界级超大规模金矿床。The Jiaojia field total gold resources exceeded 230t, and become a world-class oversize gold deposit.

约翰斯·霍普金斯大学研究人员研制的这种背心看起来就象一个特大号的量压绑带。The vest, developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, looks like an oversize blood pressure cuff.

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