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比利的行为变了很多。Billy's demeanour changed.

你有没有绅士风度啊?。Do you have the gentry demeanour?

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在球场上,王建民是钢铁般的坚强和沉著冷静。On the field his demeanour is steely and calm.

他的举止始终是属于正人君子的模样。His demeanour has always been that of a perfect gentleman.

德求罗眼神忧郁,身材纤瘦,神情和蔼。Djuro had sad eyes, a slender figure and a kindly demeanour.

汉生回到家里,脸上仍是一副莫测高深的表情。When Hanson came home he wore the same inscrutable demeanour.

我的行为举止会与我的隐藏情绪极度一致。My demeanour might well be consistent with a concealed emotion.

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敏妮为这事很忧愁,不过态度一直很温和。Minnie was truly distressed at this, but maintained a kindly demeanour.

这有可能修改,以适应中置引擎赛车的运动风范。This is likely to modified to suit the mid- engined car's sportier demeanour.

特里谢和范龙佩镇定自若,但是市场却是惶恐不已。The calm demeanour of Mr Trichet and Mr Van Rompuy is not shared by the markets.

质量好的名片盒不仅能保管好名片,还能为你的职业形象增光添彩。Not only does a quality case keep the cards neat, but it adds to your professional demeanour.

迈高万先生看起来不安又烦恼——这种情形跟他平常的举止截然相反。Mr. McGowan looked ill at ease and harassed—a condition opposed to his usual line of demeanour.

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不久,我就从同事们那边了解到一些消息,是关于对泽尔办事风格与态度发生不太和谐的改变有关的报道。Soon I got messages from colleagues reporting on a jarring change in Zell's tone and demeanour.

他的欢乐的情绪使他一往无前的气概更加潇洒。"To-morrow, " he said at parting, a gayety of manner adding wonderfully to his brave demeanour.

“追求无止尽”是姜天武董事长的信条,这也充分展示了成功企业家的风范。Pursue without limits" is Mr. Jiang's motto which reflects the entrepreneur's elegant demeanour."

在新闻发布会上,警方的代表律师称,这名自首的枪手的行为并没有改变。At a news conference, a lawyer for the police said the self-confessed gunman's demeanour hadn't changed.

“清”的人格之美、风度之美和艺术之美,充分体现了中国的独特的审美精神。The beautifulness of personality, demeanour and art fully embodied Chinese unique aesthetic conceptions.

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长辈们口口相谈他的能力,态度的已经是最好的说明。The warmth which exuded from the anecdotes about his ability and demeanour were always enough to illustrate.

所谓的藏毒案也真相大白了,于是,白雪又恢复了昔日的风采。So called case Tibetan poison also came to light, then, bai Xue restored again in former days elegant demeanour.

你的那些标准成了长久不变的规范,并且决定了他们今后生活的定位以及行为举止。Your standards become abiding representations, which will set their stance and demeanour for the rest of their life.