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一个当地人和狗玩。Local gets frisky with Fido.

轮椅女孩越来越活泼。Wheelchair Girl getting frisky.

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这个新来的实习生有一点爱戏闹。The new intern is a little frisky.

相反,她可能也很活泼。Inversely, she might be frisky too.

期待了欢闹的兔明亮的眼睛。Look out for frisky rabbits with bright eyes.

早晨清新的空气使偶感到十分愉快。The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.

早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.

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那只既狡猾又活泼的蛇有六十条多鳞的条纹。A tricky frisky snake with sixty super scaly stripes.

鳍状肢?或许是水族馆中那些活泼逗人的生物?Flipper? Maybe those frisky crowd- pleasers at the aquarium?

如果我把它挂在我的房间里,我觉得我活泼的小猫会受到惊吓而死。I think my frisky cat would die of fright if I had that thing hanging in my room.

当然,我认识到,它仍是一个几个月了,但我感觉有点欢闹。Of course, I realize that it's still a few months away, but I'm feeling a little frisky.

我是个性格变化多端的女生,有时会特别活泼,有时又会非常腼腆。I am a girl with diverse character, sometimes frisky especially & sometimes shy extremely.

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现在,他也许正随着泛白的金发流浪汉慢舞,她可能正获得欢乐。Right now, he's probably slow dancing with a beached-blonde tramp and she's probably getting frisky.

伦敦西北部的海威科姆车站不单不克制接吻,还努力勉励人们享受恋爱。High Wycombe, northwest of London, is having none of it and is actively urging commuters to get frisky.

如果你厌倦了女上式式,那么这个姿势是更有趣,更活泼的性爱方法。If you’re bored with the standard woman-on-top pose, this position is a fun, frisky way to mix things up.

如果你开始觉得精力旺盛了,而且在工作前你能还有些时间的话,你知道去哪里找我。And if you start feeling frisky , and you have eight of ten seconds before work, you know where to find me.

在众人面前要活泼可爱,保证拴住你的男人,让所有人都听到你在打他的背。When in public be frisky and promise to tie your man up and bite his neck, all the while being loud enough others can hear.

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为了能拥有更好的婚后性生活,当你俩欢愉的时候尝试着不在把她当作你深爱的、可伶可俐的妻子。In order to make married sex better, try to stop thinking of her as your adorable and adoring wife when the two of you get frisky.

英格兰南部海滨度假城是布莱顿的计程车司机将免费发送保险套给深夜狂欢的乘客。Taxi drivers in the southern English seaside resort of Brighton will start handing out free condoms to frisky late-night passengers.

我的向导从头到尾都很紧张,因为他担心我可能被发怒的公牛刺伤,或者被活跃的马匹踩伤。My guide was rather nervous throughout because he was afraid that I might get gored by a rampaging bull or trampled by frisky horses.