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我是如何进行管理的?How do I manage?

如何管理社会媒体?How do we manage it?

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PLM将如何管理数据?How PLM will manage data?

我可以上晚班。I can manage night shifts.

管理整个零件厂质量部。Manage the entire QA Dept.

我必须节约使用我的钱财。I must manage my resources.

你能无需帮助而自己设法干吗?Can you manage without help?

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心,还是管不住的难过?Heart, or cannot manage sad?

我不能很好的管理我的时间。I can’t manage my time well.

管理和保卫数据网格。Manage and secure data grids.

记事本也能管理文件?Notepad can also manage files?

你一个人行吗?Can you manage all by yourself?

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控制和管理你的压力。Control and manage your stress.

你是怎么处理的?And how do you manage rejection?

我能管住这些淘气的男孩子。I can manage these naughty boys.

如果得了脂肪瘤如何处理啊?If got lipoma, manage like where?

它没能到达泰梅尔。It didn’t manage to reach Taymyr.

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管理您的资产和工件。Manage your assets and artifacts.

好好管理你的时间和精力把。Manage your time and energy well.

请管住你顽皮的孩子。Please manage your naughty child!