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甜菜泡沫?Beetroot froth?

甜菜根切成4毫米的厚片。Slice the cooked beetroot into 4mm thick slices.

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当他的朋友们谈论女孩时,他的脸便红得像甜菜根似的。If his friends talked about girls, he went as red as beetroot.

当你开那个下流玩笑时,珍妮特羞红了脸。Janet went as red as a beetroot when you told that dirty joke.

他们污蔑她时,她满脸绯红。She turned as red as a beetroot when they befouled her reputation.

让我向你介绍甜菜泡沫汁拌牛排?May I introduce you to strip steak accompanied by an airy beetroot froth?

我喜欢甜菜根和甘蓝奶昔,外加少许姜黄和胡椒粉。I enjoy beetroot and kale smoothies with a dash of turmeric and ground pepper.

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“罗宋汤是俄国甜菜根和包心菜汤,”他向他的女朋友解释。Borsch is Russian beetroot and cabbage soup, " he explained to his girlfriend."

“罗宋汤是俄国甜菜根和包心菜汤,”他向他的女朋友解释。"Borsch is Russian beetroot and cabbage soup, " he explained to his girlfriend.

并且,饮用甜菜根汁的实验组具有更低的静息血压。The group that had consumed the beetroot juice also had lower resting blood pressure.

在这些国家,罗宋汤一般以甜菜根为主要原料,另外还包括蔬菜、蘑菇以及肉类。Its main ingredient is beetroot and also includes various vegetables, mushrooms and meat.

但是,他们使用了甜菜很多,所以我很高兴,因为它不仅美味,而且非常非常健康。But they use a lot of beetroot so I was happy as it is not only tasty but also very very healthy.

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最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

此外,马铃薯也可能是罗宋汤主料,而甜菜根则是第二主料。In some countries tomato may occur as the main ingredient, while beetroot acts as a secondary ingredient.

因此怀孕期间她只能吃面包和甜菜,体重仅仅长了7磅。As a result she survived on a diet of bread and beetroot during pregnancy and put on only 7lb during that time.

甜菜根切成4毫米的厚片。鲜橙剥皮,撕去白色经络,切成4毫米厚片。Slice the cooked beetroot into 4mm thick slices. Peel the oranges, removing the white pith and slice into 4mm slices.

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研究人员对甜菜根汁中的硝酸盐能够提高耐力的机制尚未明了。The researchers are not yet sure of the exact mechanism that causes the nitrate in the beetroot juice to boost stamina.

享受着一餐优雅拌上芹菜叶糖霜的草莓和一水晶杯装着甜菜泡沫,我将结束今天的工作。I'm about to call it a night with a dish of strawberries graced by celery leaves frosted with sugar, and a crystal goblet of beetroot froth.

1991年排行榜上的明星是茶、番茄酱、甜菜根和黑醋栗等英国人的传统爱物,还有墨水和鞋油。A list drawn up in 1991 featured traditional favorites such as tea, tomato ketchup, beetroot and blackcurrant , as well as ink and shoe polish.