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让我们去拜访他们吧。Let’s go visit them.

我常常去拜访他。I visit him regularly.

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当时我在家里准备一个访问。I was home for a visit.

朱迪思来看望了我。Judith paid me a visit.

我们可以把这称作一次省亲。We can call it a visit.

你们今日还能实地到访。You can visit it today.

拜访家人和朋友。Visit family and friends.

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你什么时候拜候过日本?When did you visit Japan?

凯迪来拜访他们。Candy comes to visit them.

他不久将去达尔文港。He will soon visit Darwin.

我正盼望去访阗欧洲。I'mhoping to visit Europe.

请访问读书俱乐部资源网。Visit Book Clubs Resource.

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你随时都可以到我家来作客。Visit us whenever you can.

我们可以参观安平古堡。We can visit An-Ping Fort.

访问作者的站网。Visit the author’s website.

一个被来叁观彼得的家庭。A family come to visit Pete.

能否到我家坐客?Can Declan come to visit me?

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你有没有见过蛾摩拉?Did you ever visit Gomorrah?

我们现在去拜访他吧。Let's visit Uncle Booky now.

但是第二次去的时候我忘记了。On my second visit I forgot.