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我们已说明那个报道不真实。We have shown the falsity of the story.

然而前提虚假的证据是无可争辩的。Yet the evidence of its falsity is undeniable.

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马克思、恩格斯明白地指出了意识形态的虚假性。Marx and Engel stated clearly the falsity of the ideology.

难以使他认识到他信仰的虚假性。It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.

我固守那份纯净的天空,不让邪恶和虚伪轻易污染。I try to protect my pure sky from being polluted by evil and falsity.

他固守那份纯净的天空,不让邪恶和虚伪轻易污染。He tries to protect his pure sky from being polluted by evil and falsity.

图像的真或假就在于它的意义与实在相符或者不相符。In the agreement or disagreement of its sense with reality, its truth or falsity consists.

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总之,炫耀除了虚伪或者让人厌恶,其它什么也没带给你,它只不过是个祸害。Anyhow, you can benefit nothing from flaunt except falsity or disgust, it is only a disaster.

这不仅戳穿了“超感性世界”观的虚假性,而且将对它的批料引向深入。This not only exposed the falsity of "sur-perception", but also pushed the criticism to a new step.

不动产登记簿错误可以分为权利事项错误与非权利事项错误。The falsity of real estate register can be divided into the rights incorrectness and non-right incorrectness.

而相比之下,如果一个有关可观测的世界的陈述可以基本检验其真实性或虚假性,这个陈述就是事实的。In contrast, a statement concerning the observable world is factual if, in principle, its truth or falsity may be tested.

我想让你向我解释一下。既然网上充斥着危险、虚伪和欺骗,为什么还有那么多人对此趋之若鹜。I want you to explain to me why so many people are still scrambling for cyberdates if it's full of danger, falsity and deception.

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值得一提的是,传统媒体和新媒体去揭穿“同性恋女孩”博客的假面具起到了关键作用。It's worth noting that traditional and new media organisations were instrumental in unmasking the falsity of the "gay girl" blog.

按照笛卡尔的说法,上帝可以任意改变论理命题和数学原理的真假,但是对自然却无能力。According to Descartes, God could at will alter the truth or falsity of ethical propositions or mathematical theorems, but not nature.

网络的高度虚假性,使人与人之间的信任度降低,从而使人更疏远网络文化就是很好的例子之一。High degree of falsity of the network, so that lower trust among people, thus making the more distant network culture is a good example of.

问题在于,某些事实陈述上的错误和被告提出的诬蔑指控是否使它失去宪法的这一保护。The question is whether it forfeits that protection by the falsity of some of its factual statements and by its alleged defamation of respondent.

一以诈欺、胁迫或贿赂方法,使原行政处分机关作成行政处分者。To make the agency which the administrative action was made to issue an administrative action via using the method of falsity , threat, or bribery.

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现在是假冒伪劣满天飞的时代,但愿我说的真话再让我碰一回壁,我一辈子也不悔!We all live in this period, which floods with insincerity and falsity. Wish my words make me frustrated again, I would not be regretted all my life!

两种表达的共通性在于只追求事实之真,回避了可能的事实虚假及事实的非真实问题。The compatibility of the two expressions lie in merely pursuing the reality of fact, avoiding the possible falsity of fact and the unreality of fact.

如果发现有虚假、违规等情况,外汇局将不予登记,并在回函中说明。If there is any falsity or any violation of rules, the administration of foreign exchange shall not make the registration and shall explain the reasons in the reply letter.