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航船在暴风骤雨中几乎无法前进。The ship made little headway in the storm.

那船逆著潮水缓慢地前进。The boat made slow headway against the tide.

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你们的报盘未得任何进展。We can not make any headway with your offer.

公共汽车每隔五分钟发一趟车。The buses are running on a five-minute headway.

我们的革命斗争已取得了很大进展。Our revolutionary struggle has made much headway.

因此你如何让你面前的人来帮助你事业的发展呢?So how do you make headway with people who can help you?

尽管这条道路甚是艰难,机器人专家还是取得了一定的进展。Nevertheless, roboticists are starting to make some headway.

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低利息帮助这些新公司加快发展速度。Low interest rates helped the start-up companies gather headway.

各方都认为此次会议应该取得进展。Second, all parties maintained this meeting should make headway.

但是国际游艇品牌已经开始了一些市场探索。Yet international yacht brands have started to make some headway.

船几乎停稳了,然后他又慢慢地向人行道靠过来。The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward the sidewalk.

不过这些技术还没在大型厂商那边取得进展。But these techniques have not made much headway with large manufacturers.

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社会主义新农村建设取得重大进展。Efforts to build a new socialist countryside will make significant headway.

他对癌症持续15年的研究终于取得了极大的进展。His research in cancer that spanned 15 years has made considerable headway in the end.

简言之,作为新的玩家,中印两国表现活跃,在非洲大陆大踏步前进。In short, as newly active players, China and India are making rapid headway in Africa.

依据西安市公交公司客流调查数据,探讨了几种确定发车间隔的方法。This paper provides some methods for determining bus headway using passenger load data.

但是该公司在全球最大的手机市场取得成功的机会转瞬即逝。But its chance to make headway in the biggest mobile-phone market has now come and gone.

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与此截然相反,日本的电影,最近正阔步向前流入本地市场。In stark contrast, Japanese films have recently been making headway into the local market.

该阶段性成果使得虚拟RHEED实验系统的研究开发有了突破性进展。The staged production breaks through the study headway of virtual RHEED experiment system.

当沃佳诺娃19岁的时候,她在模特事业上进展顺利但是始终没有飞黄腾达。When she was 19 years old, she made much headway in modeling but still had not made it big.