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有些人是每周都会给我发邮件。Some email me every week, " Libby says.

利比说,那是因为它是特拉的房子!Libby said, That's because it's Tera's house!

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我的名字是达芙妮雷诺兹。我是莉比的女儿。My name is daphne reynolds . l ' m libby ' s daughter.

丽碧将在几周内开始监狱生活。Lewis "Scooter" Libby could be behind bars within weeks.

斯库特·比作伪证案今天在华盛顿继续开庭。The" Scooter" Libby perjury trial continues in Washington.

⑥布什总统在周二的时候已经赦免了29个人,但是他们之中并不包括思科特。利比。President Bush granted pardons to 29 people on Tuesday, but not to Scooter Libby.

布什总统有可能宽恕利比,但是他强调利比不能免于处罚。He's leaving open the possibility of a pardon, but insists Libby is not getting off scot-free.

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布什总统为自己减轻刘易斯·利比入狱30个月的决定作出辩解。President Bush is defending his decision to commute a 30-month prison sentence for Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

怀特豪斯、利比和菲立克斯都认同的一点是,在职业生涯的早期就与这类猎头公司建立联系会大有好处。Whitehouse, Libby and Felix all agree that it pays to build relationships with firms early in your career.

总统布什正为自己的决定辩护,他提出对已被判决30个月监禁的刘易斯·利比减刑。President Bush is defending his decision to commute a 30-month prison sentence for Lewis " Scooter " Libby.

利比被判作伪证,并阻碍对CIA情报人员身份泄露案的调查。Libby was convicted of lying and obstructing an investigation into leaks revealing the identity of a CIA agent.

丽比·莱恩教士被授予斯托克波特第八位主教的祝圣仪式尽管被打断,但还是继续进行。Despite the interruption, the consecration of the Reverend Libby Lane as the eighth Bishop of Stockport continued.

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内战爆发后,凡·卢一家人带着食物、药品和书去附近的利比监狱,探望被关押的北方士兵。When the Civil War broke out, the Van Lews brought food, medicine and books to Union soldiers at nearby Libby Prison.

布什声称他绝不允许像这样的事在他的执政生涯中发生,可他不也赦免了斯科特·李比?And while Bush said he would not allow any such thing under his administration, he has already pardoned Scooter Libby.

波特兰,缅因州,艺术家迈克利比定制与古董手表零件和其他技术部件的实际昆虫标本。Portland, Maine, artist Mike Libby customizes real insect specimens with antique watch parts and other technological components.

利比已经表明他的工作在全国各地的工艺品展在史密森华盛顿特区,周日结束,最近。Libby has shown his work around the country, most recently at the Smithsonian Craft Show in Washington, D. C. , which ended Sunday.

利比总是上气不接下气的,对一个七岁的孩子来说,好像生活在奔腾向前,一切都是令人兴奋的,而她必须要一直跟上,否则就会落后似的。Libby was always breathless as if, to a seven-year-old, life were excitingly on the run and she must keep pace or to be left behind.

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最近万花筒收到了一封来自丽碧·布雷肖的电子邮件,询问如何将一批捐赠的玩具从英国运往泰米尔南都镇。Kaleidoscope recently had an email from Libby Brayshaw asking how you can get a donation of toys to Tamil Nadu in India from England.

关于泄露中央情报局女特工瓦莱丽•普莱姆身份事件,他们正设法裁定前白宫助理刘易斯•利比是否对调查人员说谎。It is trying to determine whether former White House aide Lewis Libby lied to investigators about the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.

利比博士说,这些天来,大部分人已经在转变观念,从控制脂肪摄入总量的观念转变为摄取多各种不同种类的脂肪。These days, Dr. Libby said, most people have moved on from the idea of controlling total fat to the idea that people should eat different kinds of fat.