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他删节一则新闻以适合可用的版面。He truncated a news item to fit the available space.

请注意这是一个删节版的快速指引。Note that this is a very truncated quick-start guide.

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垂体柄可以缺如或缩短。The pituitary infundibulum is either absent or truncated.

为简洁起见,我截短了这段代码,但您可以抓住要点。I've truncated it here for brevity, but you get the point.

事实上,它可能是截短作为线圈土崩瓦解。In fact it was probably truncated as the coil disintegrated.

在第1005542号簇上检测到丢失的交叉连接。Lost chain cross-linked at cluster 1005542. Orphan truncated.

覆盖于穹丘上的沉积岩为渐新世侵蚀所截削。Oligocene erosion had truncated the sediments draped over the dome.

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如果你没有目标的意识,那你在人世上停留的日子就缩短了。If you lack a sense of purpose, your stay on Earth could be truncated.

这些公式同样适用于金属截柱或截锥。These formulas are also applicable to the truncated cylinder and cone.

如果链接名太长,不能保存到缓冲区中,就应该被截断。If the linkname is too long to fit in the buffer, it should be truncated.

用定位条更换可方便的进行切角和平切转换。It can finish the change of corner cut and truncated by changing lock bar.

乔木层株数随胸径分布呈现截尾正态分布。Diameter distribution of tree stratum reveals truncated normal distribution.

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如果您指定一个明确的值的话,如果它们太宽的话,那么它就可以缩短。If you specify an explicit value, the sources are truncated if they are too wide.

截顶圆锥壳的破坏过程是一个从屈曲破坏直至压溃的过程。The destroyed process of the truncated conical shell is from buckling to collapse.

将截断数据回归模型转化成半参数回归模型。We change the truncated regression model into the semiparametric regression model.

长于5分钟的视频会被截短以适应Photobucket的长度约束。Videos longer than 5 minutes will be truncated tomeet the Photobucket time constraints.

截短流线跟踪进气道对带攻角或侧滑角飞行比较敏感。Truncated streamtraced inlet is sensitive to the flight at angles of attack or sideslip.

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用空间解析法建立了圆锥台形物体的数学模型。First, the truncated right angle cone mathematical model has been built by space analysis.

从理论上对截头双圆锥分子屏进行研究。The truncated double conical wake shield facility has been studied in theory in the paper.

在仲裁程序进行中,有时会出现缺员仲裁的问题。During the arbitration proceedings, the question of truncated arbitration sometimes occurs.