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温文回答平息怒火。A gentle answer pacifies wrath.

温和的答案可以息怒。A soft answer turns away wrath.

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温和的回答能够息怒。A soft answer turneth away wrath.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles.

在太阳下山后,不要让你的愤怒继续存在。Let notthesun go down upon thy wrath.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles."

盛神大怒的七碗中的的第一碗。The 1st of Seven Bowls of God's Wrath.

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这样一定会惹起数不清的麻烦和不满。So will there arise much contempt and wrath.

唱出阿基利斯的愤怒吧,女神“对吗?"Sing Goddess the wrath of Achilles " right?

他被告知皇帝发怒时离远一点。He was warned to fly from the emperor's wrath.

在盛怒的大自然面前,人类能做什么?What can man do in the face of nature’s wrath?

许多敌人败在薇布儿的盛怒之下。Flavor Many foes have fallen to Weeble's wrath.

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他宣讲“神怒”“天罚”一年又一年。The wrath of God he preached from year to year.

任何坚硬的东西都会在他的愤怒面前畏缩。seemingly sturdy objects quail before her wrath.

神圣愤怒现在28级时可从训练师处习得而非50级。Holy Wrath is now trained at level 28, down from 50.

我们将匍伏在地上祈求他不要发怒吗?。Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?

怒火鼓起了暴动,正如大风煽扬着烈火。Wrath spreads abroad the riot as wind spreads a fire.

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只是不要激起他的愤怒,否则他会与你为敌。Just don't ignite his wrath or he could turn against you.

8亵慢人煽惑通城,智慧人却使怒气转消。Scorners set a city aflame, But wise men turn away wrath.

因为人的忿怒并不能成全神的义。For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.