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水和酒精。Water and ethanol.

那我们拿什么来造乙醇呢?And the way we make ethanol here?

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但如果没有乙醇补贴呢?But what if ethanol subsidies go away?

乙醇是更容易挥发的组分。Ethanol is the more volatile component.

水和酒精都是可挥发的。And water and ethanol are both volatile.

从玉米提炼的乙醇就很有前途。Biofuels like corn-based ethanol show promise.

乙醇水溶液是适宜的洗脱剂。Ethanol solution is a kind of efficient eluent.

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它燃烧乙醇,无烟也无需烟管。It burns smoke-free ethanol which needs no flue.

不溶于乙醇和二硫化碳。It is insoluble in ethanol and carbon disulfide.

酒精比水更容易挥发。We know that ethanol is more volatile than water.

但是乙醇工业仍然时日无多。Still, the ethanol industry's days may be numbered.

丁醇也比乙醇有很多优点。Butanol is also superior to ethanol in several ways.

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发展了乙醇作为一种无毒的还原剂。Here, ethanol is developed to be nontoxic reductant.

溶于水,微溶于乙醇。It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol.

在巴西几乎所有的新车都能够使用乙醇燃料。In Brazil nearly all new cars are able to run on ethanol.

要想说服农场主远离玉米乙醇行业是相当困难的。It's going to be hard to persuade farmers away from ethanol.

它已经是用于汽车发电的甘蔗乙醇的主要生产商。It's already a leading producer of sugarcane ethanol for cars.

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这说明猴头菌甾醇类化合物主要存在于醇提浸膏中。Sterols of Hericium erinaceus exist mainly in ethanol extract.

公司希望能够在第四季度内开始乙醇的销售。The company hopes to begin ethanol sales in the fourth quarter.

同时,炼油厂还被要求将乙醇掺混到他们的汽油之中。and refiners are required to blend ethanol into their gasoline.