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他犯罪时,神志十分清醒。He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime.

还有比这更有教养、更四平八稳的吗?What could BE more civilized, more eminently sane?

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永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。You will never understand love if you are always sane.

羾永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。You will never understand love if you are always sane.

有了思想,我们可以在清醒的状态下,欢喜若狂。With thinking we may be beside ourselves in a sane sense.

任何神智正常的人都不会吃任何来自这片浓雾中生出的东西。Nothing any sane man would want to eat grows in these fogs.

她们将忙乱的年使彼此明智。They will keep one another sane for the first chaotic year.

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理智有点清楚的爱是可取的,但丧失理智的那种爱则不然。A little sane love is still all right, but no the insane sort.

文本是一次与无数参与者的理智交谈。The text is a sane conversation with millions of participants.

地球上每一个头脑清醒的人都在用各种方法来变得“更好”。Every sane person on earth wants to be “better” in a bunch of ways.

苏联曾经把健全的人关进精神病医院。In the Soviet Union they used to put sane people in mental hospitals.

而我通常则会选用以下这些节时小贴士在劳碌一日之际让自己保持理智与清醒。I use each of the tips below to save time and remain sane on a daily basis.

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倘若娜塔丽这时是神志清醒的,那么这一切就会令人作呕,不可名状的。Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious.

但是如果你想要在工作上有作为——并保持明智——你就必须试着和老板相处。But if you want to get ahead in your career — and stay sane — you have to try.

研究人员说,每天轻快步行半小时将是你保持健康和理智。A brisk half hour walk a day will keep you healthy – and sane – say researchers.

我使用下面的每一种建议来节约时间,保持每天过的理智。I use each of the suggestions below to save time and remain sane on a daily basis.

这也恰好解释了理智的人会拒绝尝试从高楼上纵身跳下去体验飞翔的感觉。That is why sane people don’t try to jump off of tall buildings in hopes of flying.

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这有听起来像是造成灾难的原因,任何理智的人都会轻易的拒绝。This sounds like a recipe for disaster and any sane person would easily pass this up.

显然,这不会起任何作用,所以理智一点的人会很快退后,不去玩这个游戏。Of course, this makes no sense whatsoever, and the sane person would quickly back away.

女童机智地将大部分安眠药含在口中,神志清醒后立即下山求救。The girl wit will most sleeping pills on the mouth, sane immediately after the downhill.