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可数名词复数前不需用限定词。Plural count nouns do not need a determiner.

可数名词单数前需用限定词。Singular count nouns always take a determiner.

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DP假说是关于限定词短语的假说。DP hypothesis concerns with determiner phrases.

单数名词只有单数形式,总是与限定词连用。Singular nouns are used only in the singular, always with a determiner.

英语中,限定词和名词在数上应该保持一致。In English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number.

当名词的限定词不可改变时,笔者就会在模板中予以保留。When the noun determiner cannot be substituted, it is included in the pattern.

语境是词义的唯一决定者,没有语境就没有词义。Context is the sole determiner of meaning without which meaning does not exist.

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当可数名词复数指特定的人物或事物时必须要用限定词。Plural count nouns do take a determiner when they referprecisely to particular things of people.

这种文化冲突决定着晚清政治改革的失败命运。This cultural conflict is a determiner for the failure of political reformation in the late Qing Dynasty.

有效地寻找未来客户,是决定销售业绩的最关键要素,不管你具体用什么办法去挖掘客户。Prospecting effectiveness, no matter how you go about it is, in many ways, the most important determiner of sales performance.

这句话反映了中国传统文化中人的地位等级的划分,也直接影响了人们对职业的选择。It is a reflection of the demarcation of status in traditional Chinese culture and a direct determiner of career-choosing in China.

代表农民的利益,是代表最广大人民根本利益题中应有之意,也是代表广大人民根本利益的决定因素。On behalf of the peasant' s interests should be embodied in and the determiner of the most extensive people's fundamental interests.

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其研究方法不同于内省法,这些基于语料库得出的搭配更地道,更准确,更利于指导理论研究和教学实践。Determiner collocations based on corpus are more reliable and authentic, which is preferable to guide theoretical research and teaching.

然后在语料库中统计其生频数、计算T值和MI值,按其搭配强度得出限定词搭配的排序。T-scores and MI-scores are calculated to measure the collocational strength of patterns and Determiner collocations are ranked by collocational strength.

那么对于判断部分,其中有确定错位置的句子被所有恨,而那些从来没有听说过的参与者被评为比通常少的人低。Then for judgments parts, sentences which have wrong positions for determiner are hated by all, and those participants never heard are rated lower than the less usually ones.

指代集体名词的第三人称代词根据该名词所表达的单、复数意义确定代词的数。When the antecedent is a collective noun, the choice of the number forms of the pronoun and corresponding determiner depends on the meaning of the collective noun in the context.

在此基础上,剖析农村小学音乐教育的特点与问题,并探索其发展之路,为教育决策者提供参考和依据。Based on this survey , author analyzed characteristics and problems in music teaching and searched the way of its development , which will become a good reference for education determiner.

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具体规定准备来利比亚从事的业务活动范围,但必须与其母公司的业务范围相吻合,并且是利比亚允许外国公司从事的业务活动。Determiner the activity that to be practiced in Libya, provided that it matches the Parent company activities, and from the activities that is allowed to the foreign companies to practice in Libya.