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我们介绍了位置的其他度量手段,中间以及内部四分位范围。We introduced two additional measures of location, the median and inter quartile range.

在名牌大学里只有不到百分之五的学生来自低收入阶层。And less than 5 percent of students at elite colleges come from the bottom quartile of family income.

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通过对四分位数稳健统计进行Z比分数法能力验证过程的分析提出高斯节点z比分数法。By quartile robust statistical Z-Score way analysis of Proficiency Testing process to make Gaussian node Z-scores ways.

尿酸水平在最高四分值组的男性黑人与最低四分值组的男性黑人相比,高血压的发病风险增加两倍。Black men in the highest quartile had a two-fold risk of developing hypertension, compared to black men in the lowest quartile.

问卷调查所得的资料,运用中数、众数、四分差来评定每个项目之重要程度、意见集中或离散情形。Median, mode and quartile deviation were used to distinguish the importance, the centralization or the dispersion of every item.

所有的私募股权公司都喜欢吹嘘自己所管理基金的表现,以至于像“前四分之一”这样的评价实际上已经失去了意义。Every private equity firm likes to brag about its fund performance, to the point that terms like "top quartile" have virtually lost their meanings.

因为它较低的采矿及选矿成本,它的镍生产成本将在全球的镍供应价格中属于最低的四分之一。Because of its favourable mining and processing costs, it will achieve nickel production costs in the lowest quartile of the world nickel supply curve.

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还是说,我应该投入时间和精力,去找一流的债券经理人,一流的不动产或杠杆收购经理人,或者一流的风险投资经理人Or should I spend my time and energy trying to find the top quartile bond, top quartile real estate manager,or buyout manager, or venture capital manager?

其他英语国家如加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚甚至英国都处在前四分之一的位置,韩国和日本也处在前十分之一的位置。Other English-speaking nations such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia and even Britain are all in the upper quartile. South Korea and Japan are in the top decile.

如果你转而观察,难以有效定价的市场,比如大盘股,第一和第三个四分位数相差2个百分点Then as you move out to the equity markets where it's harder to price things as efficiently--large-cap stocks -there are two-fold percentage points,first to third quartile.

介绍了用于非平稳、非线性信号的四分位偏差分形维算法,并通过仿真实例验证了此计算方法的准确性。The fractal dimension algorithm using quartile deviation on non-stationary and nonlinear signals is introduced. And the accuracy of this algorithm is verified by simulation.

即使你能找到一位,一流的经理人,但在债券市场收益中,第一和第三个四分位数之间几乎没有区别Where even if you can find somebody who's going to be a first quartile manager, there's almost no difference between the first quartile return and the third quartile return.

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与不吸烟的人们相比,那些现在虽已戒烟但却在其过去吸烟的时候吸烟量最大的人们,仍然有较高的风险罹患心脏病并且有可能由于各种原因而死亡。Compared to non-smokers, the former heavy smokers who were among the highest quartile in pack years of smoking were also at higher risk of heart attack and death from all causes.

其余英语国家如加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚甚至英国都处在前四分之一的地位,韩国和日本也处在前非常之一的位置。Other English-speaking nations such as Canada, New Zealand, images. blogcn. com, Australia and even Britain are all in the upper quartile. South Korea and Japan are in the top decile.

处于最高四分位的患者的死亡风险比最低四分位患者的死亡风险要高4.3倍,而中间两个四分位的患者的死亡风险则处于中间水平。Participants in the highest vs. the lowest quartile demonstrated a 4.3-fold greater risk of death, and the intermediate quartiles demonstrated intermediate risks, " the researchers write."

你应该投入所有的时间和精力,去追逐最不能有效定价的资产,因为在那里才能通过一流的风投经理人,获得巨额的投资回报,而在债券市场,即使债券优质,经理人一流,回报微乎甚微You want to spend your time and energy pursuing the most inefficiently priced asset classes because there's an enormous reward for identifying the top quartile venture capitalist and almost no reward for being in the top quartile of the high- quality bond universe.