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我们背着背包游览阿尔卑斯山脉。We went backpacking in the Alps.

阿尔卑斯山正在长高还是变矮?Are the Alps growing or shrinking?

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火绒草是生长于阿尔卑斯山上的一种植物。Edelweiss is a kind of plant in Alps.

教堂的钟声在阿尔卑斯山中回荡。Church bells resounded through out the Alps.

他下令让他的部队出发,翻过阿尔卑斯山脉去意大利。He started his troops to Italy over the Alps.

当时汉尼拔的想翻越阿尔卑斯山when Hannibal is thinking of crossing the Alps.

一个男的问,我跟阿夫顿阿尔卑斯滑雪巡逻队在一起。A man asked. I'm with the Afton Alps Ski Patrol.

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他们迎着暴风雪越过了阿尔卑斯山脉,朝着意大利进发。They headed the storm crossing over Alps to Italy.

阿尔卑斯山每年大约发生25万次雪崩。About 250, 000 avalanches occur each year in the Alps.

事实上,过去,这种情况在阿尔卑斯地区也十分普遍。Indeed, the problem used to be widespread in the Alps.

站在这个瞭望台上,可以观赏到迷人的阿尔卑斯山脉。Standing on this tower, people can see the charming Alps.

一条路崎岖,需要翻越阿尔卑斯山One of these passes is a hard pass. It goes over the Alps.

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当布雷恩·布塔诺在阿尔卑斯山和大灰熊搏斗时。When Brian Boitano was in the Alps fighting grizzly bears.

地图的边缘进行了圆滑处理,重做了所有的高山和河流。Smoothed the edges of the map, redid the Alps and all rivers.

在法国高山中布兰奇谷中回转的缆车。Cable cars swing across the Vallée Blanche in the French Alps.

此洞的洞口在丹芬阿尔斯山的高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine Alps.

此洞的洞口在丹芬阿尔斯山的高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the Dauphine alps.

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此洞穴的入口在多芬阿尔卑斯山的一个高原上。The entrance to the cave is on a plateau in the dauphine alps.

数天之后他们登上了海拔3200米的阿尔卑斯山。They took day-trips up the Alps to an altitude of 3200 metres.

天越来越黑了。阿尔卑斯山中已经起了冷风。Night continued to fall. A cold wind from the Alps was blowing.