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目的评价急性牙髓炎一次性根管充填法治疗的疗效。Objective Evaluation one-time root canal treatment acute pulpitis effect.

目的观察清胃散口服液治疗急性牙髓炎的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effect of Qingweisan on acute pulpitis.

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了解实验性牙髓炎疼痛信号在中枢的传导特点。Objective To investigate the transmission signal of the experimental pulpitis pain.

目的为了进一步提高非龋性磨牙急性牙髓炎的诊断水平。Objective To improve the diagnosis of acute pulpitis on molars without carious lesions.

掌握牙髓炎的病因、病理变化、分型及临床特点。To grasp etiology and pathological change, classification and clinical feature of pulpitis.

目的研究极固宁在深龋和可复性牙髓炎保髓治疗中的应用效果。Objective To investigate the effect of Green on the cure of deep caries and reversible pulpitis.

目的通过局部浸润注射碧兰麻来观察急性牙髓炎患者治疗时的麻醉疗效。Objective Observation anesthesia therapeutic effect of acute pulpitis patients by injecting Articaine with local infiltration.

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目的采用单纯开放法建立大鼠实验性牙髓炎模型,观察大鼠牙髓在口腔自然菌群感染下的组织病理学反应。Objective To establish model of pulpitis with pulpal exposure of rats and to investigate the histopathological changes of pulps.

方法牙颈部开髓塑化治疗双尖牙颈部损伤并发牙髓炎。Mehods In the neck of tooth odontotolomy and resinfying therapy were applied to treat secondary pulpitis of bicuspid with neck lesion.

结论清胃散口服液配合丁香油水门汀治疗急性牙髓炎早期可提高治愈率,临床疗效显著,且无任何毒副作用。Conclusion Qingweisan combined with clove oil has a definite effect on acute pulpitis in the early stage and there is no adverse effect observed.

结论单纯开放法可观察到牙髓炎的自然发展过程,是建立大鼠实验性牙髓炎动物模型的方法之一。Conclusion Pulpal exposure can find the natural development of pulpitis, and it is one of the methods to establish the model of rat experimental pulpitis.

纳入病例包括上颌全部及下颌前牙区牙齿中牙髓炎或需要拔除牙齿的患者。The cases included, pulpitis needed operation, or the teeth needed extraction, in which the teeth were located in the maxilla or front part of the mandible.

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需要根管治疗的最主要特征是因牙腐烂过程,牙破裂或牙片剥落,或牙外科创伤导致的不可逆转的牙髓炎和牙浆坏死。The main indications for RoCT are irreversible pulpitis and necrosis of the dental pulp caused by carious processes, tooth cracks or chips, or dental trauma.

结论严格掌控适应症,一次性根管充填可以进行慢性牙髓炎及慢性根尖周炎的治疗。Conclusions One-time root canal filling can be applied in the treatment of chronic pulpitis and periapical periodontitis with a strict control of indications.

方法选择在口腔门诊首次就诊的具有牙髓炎或根尖周炎症状的隐裂牙,采用预成金属冠修复后再作牙髓病治疗。The method can debase the possibility of the tooth fracture during and after treatment. Methods The patients with cracked teeth have the symptom of pulpitis or periapical periodontitis.

通过44例急性和17例慢性牙髓炎的厌氧消化链球菌检出率比较,探讨了该菌在同一牙病不同类型中的致病作用。We compared the check rate of peptostreptococu anaerobius in 44 cases of acute pulpitis and 17 chronic cases, and analysed the pathogenicity of this bacteria in different types of pulpitis.