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我觉得这是应该谴责的。I thought that is really reprehensible.

他如此不忠,应受谴责。It was reprehensible of him to be so disloyal.

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这是应受谴责的巴克被殴打多的人。It is reprehensible that Barker was beaten by multiple people.

虽然我们会找到一些关于中国体制方面悲惨和应受谴责的事件。Of course there are things that we find tragic and reprehensible about the Chinese system.

他说,麦凯恩动用了里根会感到厌恶的肮脏把戏。He said McCain was using the kind of dirty tricks that Ronald Reagan would have found reprehensible.

政策的决定,已导致我们遇到这种类型的反应,在每一个又是应受谴责的。The policy decision that has lead us to run into this type of response at every turn is reprehensible.

裘把脸贴在自己的膝头,一副烦躁不安的样子,对那个不可饶恕的约翰直挥拳头。Jo leaned her chin on her knees in a disconsolate attitude and shook her fist at the reprehensible John.

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这种行为理应受到遣责,无论他的文章是优秀还是糟糕我们对此都表示强烈的遣责。This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically -- whether the review is good or bad.

担心自己十四岁的女儿会未婚怀孕回家真是那么值得斥责吗?Was it really so reprehensible that he was afraid of his fourteen-year-old daughter's coming home pregnant?

我可能无法将你绳之以法,你的名声可能保护你免受你应受谴责的行为的后果。I may fail to bring you to justice, and your fame may protect you from consequences for your reprehensible actions.

星期四,克林顿在和科罗姆的电话中对“应谴责的研究”表达了她自己的愤慨和深深地遗憾。Clinton had phoned Colom Thursday to express her personal outrage and deep regret over the "reprehensible research."

以笔者揣想,他们大概是认为此等行为无可指摘。My own views, admittedly somewhat speculative, are that they probably do not consider their actions as reprehensible.

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鞭挞着他的良心,谴责他自己的行为,因为他把她当作蠢货而玩弄。He had whipped his conscience over what he considered his reprehensible behavior, because he had played her for a fool.

刺杀阿斯拉特圣童的罪恶指令让这名杀手坐立不安,他因此离开了帝国阵营。A reprehensible order to kill the Holy Children of Asrat did not sit well with the assassin, and he left Imperial service.

要对那些自己应受谴责的行为去感觉良好,我们就必须抑制住自己在进行这种行为。To feel good about acting in ways that are reprehensible to ourselves, we must repress our recognition that we're doing so.

至于加西亚,他说指控他参与罗森博格的阴谋是“荒唐可笑、毫无根据和应受谴责的。”García, for his part, has called allegations that he was complicit in Rosenberg’s plot “absurd, baseless, and reprehensible.”

如今的女人找老公,绝非为一张长期饭票,她们更需要担当。Present's woman looks for the husband, acts in a reprehensible manner certainly a long-term meal ticket, they need to take on.

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那些以种族、宗教、族裔、性别或性取向为由攻击他人的仇恨言论也应受到严厉斥责。And hate speech that targets individuals on the basis of their race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation is reprehensible.

我认为此行为应该受到道德上的谴责,但我认为道德上应该受到谴责,并不等同于法律上应当承担责任。I think it is morally reprehensible but I think that there is a distinction between what's morally reprehensible and what makes someone legally accountable.

过去被视为边缘化的甚至是应受谴责的行为已经变得很酷,并为政治家称赞,为年轻一代所喜爱。An activity that was once regarded as peripheral, perhaps even reprehensible , has become cool, celebrated by politicians and embraced by the rising generation.