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别把我牵连进你们的争吵之中。Don't embroil me in your quarrel.

受牵连的说话比较多。The speech that gets embroil is more.

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你为什么要牵连无辜的平民?Why did you embroil innocent, ordinary civilians?

我不愿意卷入到他的问题中去。I was reluctant to embroil myself in his problems.

可能受到一些友情链接牵连。Thelikelihoodislinked embroil by a few friendship.

或者是子域名的降权的牵连。Or child of the domain name fall the embroil of authority.

任何敌对行为都可能招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗。Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U. N. troops in fighting.

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一位情迷于他的女顾客自杀身亡了,利昂也受牵连而被关进了监狱。An affection confusing died at his female client suicide, leon also suffers embroil and by coop jail.

如果你的友情链接被百度降权的话,那么你的网站可能会受到牵连。If your friendship links the word that is fallen to counterpoise by Baidu, so your website may get embroil.

因此当激光达到一定强度的时候,流体方程中的牵连项也会变得比较强,不可以被忽略。The embroil part, which is one of the sources of ponderomotive force, will get stronger, too, and can't be neglected.

另一方面,如果嫁一个富裕的凤凰男,则可能是让自己卷入和他家庭无尽的纠纷当中。On the other hand, marrying an affluent "phoenix man" might embroil the woman in endless troubles with his extended family.

“素人”皮具的特点在于,她能把生活方式和产品、销售很好的牵连起来。Element person " the characteristic that the skin provides depends on, she can rise the embroil with lifestyle and product, very good sale."

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泰晤士报仍在呼吁政府与俄、法并肩作战,加入到眼前这场欧洲大陆上的大战中。The Times continues to clamour for the nation to range itself beside Russia and France, and to embroil itself in the great continental war that is arising before us.

然而,进京赶考的他受到考场舞弊案的牵连,一夕间从状元郎变成阶下囚。However, drive him what take an examination of to get into Beijing the embroil of case of examination room fraud, from Number One Scholar man becomes a captive between one evening.

不过,由于一次马库斯热传染病的牵连,汉默的儿子被保密局的官员带走了,严刑拷打造成了孩子双腿残疾。Nevertheless, because Marcus heats up the embroil of contagion, han Mo's son was taken away by the official of confidential bureau, cruel torture beat caused deformity of child double leg.

但是现在是坦桑尼亚的选举时间,这个世界上最贫穷的国家,Kikwete先生卷入了该国有史以来最混乱的总统选举中。But it is election time in Tanzania, one of the poorest countries in the world, and Mr. Kikwete is embroil ed in what political analysts say is the feisti est presidential race this country has seen.