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此前的纪录是在英国巨石阵70人同时喷火创造。Tilburg set the new record with 110 people spitting fire simultaneously.

荷兰蒂尔堡大学奖学金信息!Scholarship opportunities to study at Tilburg University, the Netherlands!

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他要求在750欧元预交的付款,在蒂尔堡做第一次调查。He asks a payment in advance of 750 euros, to do the first investigation in Tilburg.

按照该体制,500名囚犯将被送往荷兰城市提耳堡的一所监狱。Under the scheme, 500 Belgian prisoners would be sent to a prison in the Dutch city of Tilburg.

此外,在荷兰蒂尔堡是最好的大学,尤其是经济学院。Furthermore, Tilburg is one of the best universities in Netherlands, especially economical college.

当然,这并不意味着无聊状态是公益行为的必要条件,事实上,它是一个非常消极的生活体验,而公益行为是它产生的一个积极效应。"Of course, this does not mean that boredom is necessary for prosocial behaviour," added Van Tilburg.

荷兰外交部证实,这名九岁男孩名叫鲁本,是南部城市提堡人。The Dutch foreign ministry has identified the boy as a nine-year-old from the southern city of Tilburg named Ruben.

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这间欢迎儿童入住的酒店为您提供安静的客房,搭乘巴士8分钟即可抵达Tilburg的城市中心。This child-friendly hotel offers quiet rooms and is only an 8-minute bus ride away from the city centre of Tilburg.

来自荷兰提尔堡大学的研究人员对这组病人平均五年后的病情进行了随访。Researchers from Tilburg University in the Netherlands followed up the group of patients after an average of five and a half years.

这家酒店靠近Tilburg中心和Efteling游乐园,为您提供舒适的客房、24小时酒吧服务和免费停车场。Close to the centre of Tilburg and the Efteling amusement park, this hotel offers comfortable guest rooms, a 24-hour bar and free on-site parking.

然而,当人们感到生活无意义时,更有可能做出的是,那些他们认为的能重塑生活之意义的行为。But when people feel meaningless, Van Tilburg found that they are more likely to engage in behaviour they believe will re-establish their sense of meaningfulness.