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画一件服装和一只对虾。Draw a dress and a prawn.

我们点吉利明虾好吗?Shall we order prawn cutlet?

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祝贺你咖喱明虾烧得好。Congratulations on your prawn curry.

昨天午餐我们吃了一盘对虾。Yesterday we ate prawn dish for lunch.

我爱这座城市,我爱吃虾片。I love this city, I love prawn crackers.

啤酒。对了,我可以把我点的牛排换成对虾吗?Beer, please. Oh, can I change my steak to prawn?

供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

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供应各种规格的高品质烤鳗鱼,对虾,鱼片。Offer all kinds of specific roasted eel prawn and fillet.

黄面大虾汤,炖猪排骨,对虾。Prawn mee soup, yellow noodles, braised pork ribs, prawns.

馅儿从猪肉、大虾到蔬菜应有尽有。Fillings can range from pork to prawn and green vegetables.

点了炒粿条和槟城福建虾面试试看。We ordered the Char Kway Teow and Penang Hokkien Prawn Mee.

这是虾子蹄筋,是这家饭店的特色菜。It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of this restaurant.

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用盐调味,汤汁过滤后便成虾汤。Season with salt and strain the broth. This is now your prawn stock.

渔业资源丰富,盛产对虾及贝类等水产品。The country is also rich in fishery resources like prawn and seashell.

我先来一份大虾鸡尾杯,然后要马里兰鸡。I'll have a prawn cocktail to start with, and Chicken Maryland to follow.

倒入热虾汤。撒上香脆乾葱头。Ladle hot prawn stock into the bowl. Sprinkle with crispy fried shallots.

伍德先生,那批冻对虾于11月10人哦抵达新加坡。Mr.Wood, the shipment of frozen prawn arrived in Singapore on November 10.

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对虾中某种效力大的化学成分会导致难产。Certain potent chemicals in prawn precipitate difficulties during delivery.

对虾养殖业是东南亚地区的重要经济支柱产业。Prawn aquaculture is the industry of important economy pillar of Asia area.

对对虾塘综合养殖作了详细论述。The synthetical culture of the prawn cultivating ponds was discussed in detail.