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我正在尝试。I’m trying.

别闹了!我要睡觉了。I'm trying to sleep.

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连试都不用试。without even trying.

不要利用我!Srop trying to use me!

难挨的时光终将过去。Trying times will pass.

难捱的时光终将过去。Trying times will past.

他今天有点惹人烦。He is a bit trying today.

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想要传达情感。Trying to convey feeling.

放弃想扮酷的想法.Give up trying to be cool.

我建议再试一次。I suggest trying once more.

我正加劲学习法语。I'm trying to learn French.

不要介意尝试超过别人。Never mind trying to excel.

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他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

我们试图防住他。We were trying to play him.

我正在试着修好我的笔记本电脑。I'm trying to fix my laptop.

我正在试图绘一匹马。Inom trying to draw a horse.

她在试一顶新帽子。She was trying on a new hat.

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她正在试一顶新帽子。She was trying on a new hat.

嘘……我想听清他们说话。Shush. I'm trying to listen.

你正为获得更多睡眠而努力吗?Trying to get more shut-eye?